Some unhealthy feeding habbits that sounds like WTF

... As scripted by BrainFavvy
The major topic among nutritionists has been poor feeding, but they tend to neglect the various cooking practices that many individuals have personalized thereby making them remain in the path of unhealthy living.
What suprises me is that these people are not concerned on how they prepare the meals and they keep neglecting whatever health issues this can result into.
This evening i was with a neighbour when i raised the topic, telling her i was researching on, to my dismay she was even one of them. I was completely shocked with the words spewing out from her mouth, she was even bold to say it. So i'ld like to share some regular cooking habits thats unhealthy.
cooking habits
See This: Amazing how this plant can eat rat.
• Adding Seasoning Like (Maggi) Beans
I was in a friend’s house, as we were doing an assignment, we heard a louder conversation from his neighbours in the opposite flat. One of them who is a Hausa woman said with clear boldness, "I cannot cook beans for the family without adding like 5 or 6 maggi oh". The other said she uses just two cubes. Do these women know what they are saying?
Friends, food condiment like this does not have any nutritive value it supplies to our body. It is best to reduce the amount we add to our meals. Instead, use natural food condiments like ginger, garlic and onions that have been found to be helpful in human health.
• Adding Sugar To Yam
Before my Dad's return from abroad, we didn't have tea with sugar. So it shocked me when I recently discovered that many house wives add some table spoons of sugar to yam when cooking in their quest to make it sweet. (laughing in chinese).
Yam is a calorie dense food. Adding some sugars to it will only increase the calorie. No wonder the sudden rise in the cases of diabetes. For me, it is only a bad cook who does this. I stand to be corrected.
All you need to know about sugar
Frying Two Eggs With A Whole Bottle of Oil
This apparently sounds like an exaggeration but the truth has to be told. My dad usually told us about it. He explained how a his aunt fried 2 eggs for him with close to a bottle of vegetable oil. Then, I never believed him until something of same extent happened to my sister and I when we both visited a lady who obviously wanted to impress us. Sincerely, it was in the ratio of two eggs to 1 bottle of vegetable oil. We managed to eat three slices of bread each. As she steps out to get us drinks, I quickly rushed to drain the oil. No wonder she is overweight.
• Adding Salt To Garri
Th'o it has a somewort sweet taste, i cannot advice anyone to try this. You would probably think this is an habit for the young children but as don't be suprised Gozkybrain still does this, guess he stopped after our constant preachings. There has been a lot of campaign concerning the effect of consuming high amount of sodium. Yet, some people still indulge in this habit of soaking garri of all foods with pinches of salt. Haba…..Take am easy oh.
No doubt, some of you are practicing some or all of the above listed habits. The need to avoid them is critically important as they can lead you to unwanted debilitating health conditions.
As a jovial person, the conditions I see and hear of on daily basis are scary and some of these unhealthy habit could be the leading cause. You could share some other ones you do or you are aware of.
Stay updated with the right informations and share what you know
author - BrainFavvy

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