How to talk to a girl when she is with her friends and win her

As a guy, learning how to talk to girls is an important rite of passage. Use these 10 tips and see how easy it is to leave them swooning for more!

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There are many things a guy does in his formative years. But talking to a girl he likes for the first time? That’s definitely one of the hardest things to
do for any guy. But yet, we’ve all had to do just that. For a few guys, the first conversation goes perfectly and they end the conversation with their feet in the clouds.
And for most other guys, a conversation with a girl could go horribly wrong and leave them shattered and scared to approach girls again. But what really separates a great conversationalist from a bad one?

How to talk to girls the right way
If you need to impress a girl or a group of girls with your words, there’s just one thing you need to keep in mind.
The girl needs to have a fun time while talking to you. This is by far the easiest way to understand why some guys are effortless casanovas while others bumble their way to failure.
As long as you understand what it takes to ensure that the girl you’re talking to has a wonderful time with you, you’d definitely be able to walk away from the conversation with a little piece of her heart!
If you want to talk to a girl and impress her, use this guide on how to talk to a girl and look smooth doing it . But if you want to awe a group of girls all at once, even if there are several girls in a group, read on to learn the art of talking to girls using these steps.

Approaching a girl who’s in a group
Trying to catch the attention of a girl who’s in a group of girls isn’t very different from trying to get her attention when she’s alone. Firstly, you need to let her know you exist, you need to make the right eye contact, and finally you need to walk up to her and make a conversation.
But even the perfect approach to get
introduced to a group of girls can’t help you win them over if you don’t know the right way to keep them engaged in the conversation.

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How to talk to a group of girls and impress them all at once
If you want to know how to talk to girls and leave them talking about you long after you’re gone, you need to remember these 10 points that really matter when it comes to chatting up a group of girls.

#1 Focus on fun.
This is the most basic and yet important part of having a conversation with a group of girls. If you can convince the girls that you’re a lot of fun to spend time with, they’d reach out to you just to hang out with you. Try to have a positive attitude and let the world see you for the fun guy you are. As long as you feel alive and excited to spend time with a group of girls, they’d feel your enthusiasm and enjoy your company too.

#2 Don’t ever put them in a spot.
A lot of guys just don’t understand this. When you talk to a girl or even a group of girls, don’t ask awkward questions that leave them wriggling their toes in awkwardness. “Were you girls trying to avoid me?” “Eating that will make you fat, you know that right?!” “I like your shirt, where did you pick it up?” “Most people think I’m boring. Do you think I’m boring?”.
Awkward questions like these will only make girls want to avoid you. Charm them instead!

#3 Get them talking.
The best way to keep a conversation going with a group of girls is by making all of them feel involved. Ask questions or make statements that all girls can relate to, so the girls can add in their opinions and create the conversation among each other too. It makes all the girls feel more involved, and that’s always a great way to get closer to all of them at once. And if you’re talking about something like music or a new social media trend, there are bound to be a few healthy arguments and opinions, and all of that will definitely work in your favor.

#4 Be humorous.
Any great conversationalist would be able to tell you that humor is the one thing that can make everyone lose their inhibitions and bring them closer to you instantly. Learn to be a funny and witty guy, and you’ll never have any trouble getting girls to talk to you and like you.

#5 Win over all girls.
An awkward guy focuses his attention on just one girl while the other girls stare around the place looking bored. But a great guy, well, he makes every girl feel like she’s the center of his attention! Don’t focus on just one girl when you’re talking to a group of girls, unless all the girls you’re talking to already know you’re only interested in one particular girl and are trying to woo her. While talking to a group of girls, make eye contact with all the girls randomly.
And while talking too, dart your eyes across to everyone, especially the girls who seem distracted. A group of girls are like an audience. If you lose one girl’s attention, it’s only a matter of time before you lose the attention of all the girls!

#6 Be warm and likeable.
Smile a lot and laugh wholeheartedly when you’re having a conversation with a group of girls. If you want to take your funny bone a notch higher, learn to use self deprecating humor. Girls just love watching a guy make a fool of himself by behaving like a bumbling Hugh Grant when he tries to be witty and fun. And the best part, this kind of humor almost never ever fails with a group of girls.

#7 Get naughty when you get the chance.
Talking naughty is risky business, especially when you’re talking to more than one girl. If your joke annoys a girl, you’d be jeopardizing the entire conversation. But then again, naughty flirting is the easiest way to hysterical laughter and a better impression. So instead of telling a dirty little joke and deflating your ego against a few piercing stares, learn to get naughty using something one of the girls say to you. We call this situational humor using a double entendre, and it’s the kind where you use something said by one of the girls and twist what the girl said into something dirty.
You don’t even need to say anything here to be funny. You can just look at her and smile mischievously when she says a line that could be interpreted into something dirty. When the other girls see you smile, their dirty little minds will interpret the joke and they’ll laugh, without you even having to say anything!

#8 The two body languages.
There are two things that matter about body language while talking to girls, your body language and theirs. When you talk to girls, stand up tall or sit upright, unless you’re gesticulating.
On the other hand, you also need to keep an eye on the body language of the girls you’re talking to. Are the girls focused on you, or do they seem distracted? Are they nodding their head when you say something, are they laughing along, or is one of them constantly staring at her watch? Body language always gives away far more details than the words you hear.

#9 Use other girls to impress one.
If you’re trying to impress one girl in the group of girls, don’t just talk to her and ignore her friends. Involve her friends and talk to them too. But every now and then, compliment the girl you like or say something specifically to her. Her friends may even take your side and tease the girl you l

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