Can i cure Peptic Ulcer with unripe plantain? Yes!

Peptic ulcer have been contacted by some many people in the world today,some have healed their's while others are still searching for a way out.Finally, i decided to write this article to help those in need of it. This article will help you learn on how to heal stomach ulcer easily with unripe plantain water. Follow these simple steps to get rid of your ailment.

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1. Peel the unripe plantain.
When you have bought the unripe plantain, collect at least four or five of it and peel the back of the plantain with your knife and do not allow water to touch it.

2. Scrub the peeled plantain.
After you have peeled the plantain scrub it with your knife continuously until the plantain becomes slippery when you are holding it.

3. Get a Gallon.
Get a gallon of size "10" and drop all the plantain which you have scrubbed that are slippery inside it and pour plenty of water inside the gallon.

4. Duration.
Allow it to stay for two days then shake it and filter it into another gallon. It is now ready for use, drink the filtered plantain water before and after eating everyday.

Note: Re-soak the use plantain substance (starch) for two days also and filter it and add the filtered water to the one you are using and drink continuously until you notice a change in your body.

I hope this article was helpful.


This article is more of an information, we take no responsibility of the outcome. You are hereby adviced to see a health practitioner and discuss this with him, your system might not accept it.

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