That disease called meningitis

This piece was put together to intimate us all about a deadly condition which called Meningitis
which means “inflammation of the meninges.” The meninges (plural of meninx) are membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.

They can become inflamed when an infection occurs in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) surrounding these membranes. Other things such as medications, trauma, tumours, and chemical exposure can also cause meningitis. However, bacterial meningitis is fatal for 1 in 10 people who get it, even with treatment. Up to 1 in 5 people will be left with problems such as deafness or brain injury/ damage. Quick diagnosis and treatment are vital to reduce the risk of death or complications from bacterial meningitis.
Causes of Meningitis→ The most common causes of meningitis are bacteria or viruses, although there are many other causes. Rarer causes such as fungi can be seen, but often only in people with poor immune systems.
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Meningitis commonly occurs when bacteria or viruses make their way into the fluid surrounding the brain. Sometimes they enter directly as a result of an operation such as brain surgery. Sometimes they erode through the small bones in our skull, for instance in extreme cases of severe sinusitis. Sometimes they are carried there by our blood from an infection occurring elsewhere in our body such as pneumonia (a lung infection). But in most cases, we don’t really understand how and why this happens. Cryptococcus, a fungus, can also cause meningitis. It usually occurs in people that are immuno suppressed e.g poeple with AIDS. Certain medications and chemical irritants can cause in inflammation of the brain similar to meningitis. There have also been rare reports of vaccines causing meningitis. Viral or chemically-induced meningitis often goes away on its own. Bacterial meningitis, on the other hand, is a very serious illness. The different types of bacteria that can cause it aren’t normally dangerous – over half the population carries one or another of these bacteria in the back of the nose and throat. They’re commonly transmitted by coughing, sneezing, and kissing, but they can’t live outside the human body for very long. When they manage to enter the cerebrospinal fluid and begin multiplying, the bacteria cause inflammation and other symptoms of meningitis. There are many species of bacteria that can cause meningitis. The most common causes of bacterial meningitis are; Meningococcus (Neisseria meningitis), Pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae), Streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae), E. coli (Eschericia coli), etc.
Symptoms and Complications of Meningitis→ People with bacterial meningitis quickly become very sick, usually within hours, and shouldn’t wait to get medical treatment. For people with non-bacterial meningitis (e.g., viral, chemical), the symptoms usually follow flu-like symptoms and include fever and headaches. Symptoms develop more slowly and are not as severe. Symptoms of meningitis can include; High fever over 39°C (102°F), Stiff and sore neck (especially when it’s moved, turned, or bent—the discomfort is caused by inflammation of the meninges), Severe headache due to extra pressure in the head, Fussiness and irritability in children too young to complain of head ache, Drowsiness, Coma in extreme situations, Seizures, etc.
Inflammation results in increased pressure on the brain, which sometimes causes vomiting. You might also notice a rash that resembles clusters of tiny red or purple pinpricks. When you press on the spots, they won’t turn white, as skin normally does. The skin itself can develop cyanosis, a bluish tinge caused by a lack of oxygen. Not all symptoms of meningitis appear at once, however, and they may be less obvious for seniors.
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