The Devil's incarnate—episode 1 (a new begining)

Asinha, all the while knew what danger habving brain as a son would bring to them. But he was blinded by the joy of having a son, he never remarried.
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One night, Asinha was in the temple with all the other priests, when he had a vision. A collective vision to conclude, because all the priests saw it too. It was a figure of an aged warrior, in the time of old. It was the image of Nathan. Nathan was the first foster father of brain in the Legends of the brainwizard — read now.
"I shall bring you 16years of joy, victory, fame through my son emmanuel." said the image, and thus, disappeared.
The priests were happy, they also named Brain as Emmanuel because the man in the vision had called him Emmanuel.
Brain grew to be a cute boy, he had long black hairs, a cute fair face, long arms and legs, and of all he was really smart. At 4, he had already been initiated into priesthood in arcordance to the priest law that, each priest initiates his first born child at the age of 4.
Brain had a friend, cosan. Cosan was more or less his cousin because his father's younger brother, maya who had escaped with his mother during the comet had him out of wedlock. Cosan and Brain were very fond of each other, Cosan was older than brain by 3years, th'o he wasn't a priest. The two boys did everything in comon.
Sound of lightening, flames from the east, cracks like earth quakes; war drums were heard one evening from the east bank of the kamambi river. Children were abducted, men were killed, women and young girls raped, it was the Ama clan. The Ama clan was a neighboring community to the Melani clan, th'o they had not been in close terms but no one expected a war. The war was so brutal, it claimed many lives.
The warriors of Melani were almost retreating as the Ama soldiers kept re-enforcing and re-enforcing. All the children who had not been kidnapped were tied and packed up in tries to avoid them been killed.
The priests were in there tents, with heads and hands together meditating, it took them several hours, before one of the priests spoke up.
"Lord Asinha, remember the vision we had together?" said Beir
"Of course i do" said Asinha
"why don't we send Brain to the war" said Beir, almost doubting his insticts
"Beir, would you send your only son to the war? He is a priest too" said mandi, another preist"
"Mandi be calm, Brain won't die in the war. We have 16years of victory remember?" concluded Asinha.
And that was how Brain got in the war, he was immediately loosen from where he was hidden. He was armed, and given a sword, the preist blessed him and he ran off to the battle front. Cosan suggested to go with Brain but it was Objected.
As predicted by Nathan, Brainwizard brought them luck. At first the Ama clan took the boy for a joke but when they found out what he was made of, they soon began to flee.
No one beleived it, Brain was just excellent in the war. He used the sword as th'o it was a boy's toy. The Ama war king was kept hostage together with 3more warriors while the others fleed.
When news of Melani's victory reached home, great joy filled the air. On hearing that it was from Brain, their joy knew no bound. Soon, his name was later changed to Brainwizard because of the way he saved Melani.
3 Days later, Melani took another wage on Ama, where they got back all the abducted ones. They brought back the riches of Ama and left the land in ruins. Their war king was later executed following the return of Melani's troop.
All the other priests were filled with joy, but not Asinha. He was troubled at why his own separate vision saw Brain as the one to bring ruin to Melani.
That was a tought he alone had to solve.
Melani organised armed warriors to gaurd the four walls of their clan, and the land warriors ever ready for war.
... to be continued Next friday

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