How to get rid of black circles around the eyes

Dark circles are the dark discolorations of the skin that we usually find under the eyes. It is also known as dark rings or shadows. Dark circles are not a serious skin problem, but they make people look tired, exhausted, unhealthy and older.
dark eyes
You can easily get rid of unsightly shadows under your eyes using some easy home remedies but first you'ld need to know its causes. Some of the main causes of dark circles below the eyes includes:
* heredity, * aging,
* dry skin,
* prolonged crying,
* working for long hours in front of a computer,
* mental or physical stress,
* lack of sleep and an unhealthy diet.
Both men and women of different age groups can have dark circles. It is not sex or age dependent.
Recommended: Causes of early aging in both men and women
There are many things you can do to eliminate dark circles under your eyes and keep them from coming back.
* To reduce puffiness, a temporary cause of dark circles, change your sleeping habits. Sleep on your back, elevating your head with more pillow because gravity lets fluid buildup drain away.
* Sleep well (at least eight hours sleep daily) to have a fresh and circle-free face. Lots of sleep means less stress and thus less puffiness.
* Control allergies and the puffiness they cause. Take proper medication for allergies to airborne materials like flour or smoke. If you have dust allergies, make your bedroom as dust-free as possible: use bare floors, put dust covers on mattress and pillows, and remove or cover upholstered furniture, clothes, books, and papers.
* Remove all eye make-up, like eyeliner and mascara, before going to sleep. Anything that irritates eyes can leave them watery and puffy.
* Rinse the nasal passages, to relieve sinus infections and hay fever that cause puffiness under the eyes.
* Daily exercise circulates blood throughout the body and the face, reducing puffiness. Concentrate on yoga too, which stimulates your breathing, leaving fresh skin.
* To eradicate morning puffiness and bluish color, apply something that cools the skin and the capillaries beneath it, reducing swelling and making the blood vessels less visible. Apply cucumber or potato slices, chilled spoons, or bags of ice water to the area around the eye for up to an hour and a half.
* Include plenty of green vegetables, fruits, and vitamins in your diet. Eat seasonal fruit like bananas, mangoes, and oranges, along with vegetables like spinach, greens, carrots, and brinjals (eggplant).
* Include plenty of iron in your diet, from whole grains, legumes, eggs, or iron supplements.
* Reduce salt in your diet to reduce puffiness.
* Arrange your life to reduce stress. Stress releases cortisol, which causes increased blood volume and puffiness, and has other undesired effects.
* Stay hydrated; dehydration causes thin and sagging skin. Use moisturizer. Limit cigarettes and alcohol.
* To keep looking young years longer, protect your face and eyes from the sun. Ultraviolet light from the sun destroys protein in the skin. Use sunscreen and a hat when you go out.
Makeup is very effective at concealing dark circles, whether they are caused by hyperpigmentation or something else.

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