How to earn from a web you donot own

Earning from a website is one of the sweetest things a webmaster can ever receive. But one major setback is the inability for one to own a site.
Online Earning
Today i would be explaining on how to earn from a website you do not own. One big question which has being left unanswered for a while now→ 'What makes a website your own?'.
Yea, what makes a website your own? Some say because i created and designed it. Did First Bank create its site by itself? See, a web is owned by all those who have rights to the website, yes. Once you are a fan of a website, and you have a say in most of the decisions of the website.
Hitting the nail on the head, to earn on a website you do not own; you need to be a partner. Yes a partner!
Related: How to earn from your website according to your niche
There are very many ways you can earn from a website as a partner, of which i would explain a number of them.
Being a partner of the web: If BrainFavvy is a partner of, it simply means; she has her own web or buisness but we both do things in common. What kinds of things in common? Yeah, we share ad spaces. She could lease an ad space for mhe to put my affillate ad codes, while i also do same for her or even pay directly.
Being a staff: This is the most popular one. A web staff is one who works on the web with the ceo and other crews. A staff could be your forum moderator, or in charge of your apps and music portals, or even an advertiser. Web staffs are mainly paid directly. They could be paid weekly, or weekly. But in the agreements, he could also not be paid directly. He could be given an ad space and his services pays for the ad space, you get? I mean, lets say BrainFavvy is a staff, she writes an application for UCunion and gets approved but she has no web. She asks for an ad space, and instead of paying for the ad space, she works on the web for it. This is the best because at times you are considered a co-owner of the web depending on your agreements.
Being a Co-owner: This is the best. Gozkybrain and Bezzybez are both co-owners of Yes, being a co-owner gives you much more benefits as you have a right in all the decisions of the web; its new designs, application for new affilates etc. When you are a co-owner, you could either be incharge of the forum, the posts, the uploads, the designs and codes, the advertiser (ie someone who advertises the web). But not all co-owners have same rights, its same everywhere even in banks. Earning here is cool. Each co-owner might own a separate affillate. So that everyone runs his own earning independently. The more yo work is the more you earn. On the other hand all co-Owners could use just one affilate. And have an agreed percentage of sharing income. This is the best, because togetherness brings out the best.
How can I become a partner too and earn from a web i donot own?
Simply contact an owner of a web you trust. Or you could come up with a team, and you all create a web and own it together.
Incase you want to work for brainshome, contact Gozkybrain on facebook #Gozkybrain_Izuka or on whatsapp→ 08166983737.
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