The Devil's Incarnate - episode 3 (Brainwizard unleashed)

The Brainwizard had incarnated the Devil, yes the devil had re-incarnated. He continued the cold hearted deeds of Lucifa.
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In just 3months Brain had fornicated countless times in the priests tent defiling it over and again. None of the priest could speak to him because they valued their lives.
Soon he started worshipping idols and made it a must for every family to have a home idol, he personally executed every single member of any family who didn't have an idol.
He killed mandi too, inside the temple for speaking against him about the idolatory activities. He had wanted to kill mandi's son who came to fight him but he just let him go.
The only person that didn't see brainwizard as the Devil's Incarnate was Cosan. Cosan and Brain still shared that close company they always did. Cosan just somehow knew how to call him to order, which even Asinha didn't.
One evening, Brainwizard called a meeting in the temple. The whole priests were in attendance.
Brainwizard- I called you grey hairs to tell you of my intensions of taking the temple out of this filty place.
Jann- Brain that isn't a good thing. We saw the temple here, and all in it were here too. How come about taking it to another place?
Brainwizard- Punk be shut, i know what i'm doing. Where is the beauty in this pig pen you call temple?
Beir- (mummuring..) this is doom, we are in for doom
Asinha- Brain, you cannot take the temple out of this place.
Brainwizard- and why??
Asinha- because i won't let you do it,
Beir- Asinha take it easy, this boy could be unstable.
Asinha- i'm also unstable, let him try any nonsence he said.
Brainwizard gave a roar and ran out of the temple, all the priests followed. He got his sword and charged towards his own father, Asinha got a sword too. "Brainwizard, listen to your inner mind" —said Nathan's spirit, "This doesn't give you a place in the stars" —said the dragon. The flames in his heart was far too hard, he didn't hear any of the words. He fought with Asinha with all his might. But the old priest just didn't come easily to be defeated, somehow the sky god whom they worshipped had being by his side. Then at a moment they both saw that they had no swords, Brainwizard stood still with anger in his head. He banished Asinha from Melani.
At the departure of Asinha, he became the new Temple Lord th'o he wasn't the oldest priest, Beir was. But Beir valued his life more than anyother thing.
Brainwizard burnt the temple and built another one almost close to the river. He beautified the temple with different idols. He did a burial for Asinha concluding that Asinha was dead.
That night the spirit of Nathan and the Dragon left him, the devil had filled his heart.
The brainwizard did many horrible things, he made women priestess in the 'shrine' temple.
The brainwizard gathered all the men in all the neighbouring clans and built an army. His Army conquered all the other kingdoms. He gradually became the king of the new Melani Kingdom. The people had grown from a mere clan to a kingdom, but he still made sure they all had idols in their homes.
But something happened to him oneday. The brainwizard who seemed untouchable got touched. The grande idol in the center of the shrine which was carved out of pure gold got stolen. That was the presence of Lucifa.
"The more that Image stays away from the shrine, i'ld make your life hell! You shall find death but to no avail"
A taste of his own medicine, be continued.

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