Health benefits of Nut Nut (coconuts & groundnut)

imgDouble nut snack was developed by some of our classmates way back in ss3, its just a combina
tion of regular groundnut and coconut. It sounds naughty but i also became a big fan of it after i had it.

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As i grew, i saw that Double nut (or Nut Nut) had more than just a tasty satisfaction but also a bunch of health advantages, as coconut goes a long way to give its own health advantages, same with groundnut. So today i'ld share these health benefits with you and just maybe you all would become a fan.

• It is high in essential Vitamins
• It contains a reasonable amount of Minerals
• It contains Antioxidants
• They are rich in Proteins
• It contains heart healthy Fats
• It is highly Nutrituous→
Nutritional Value Calories - 166 calories
Protein - 7.8 g
Calcium - 17.1 mg
Potassium - 203 mg
Magnesium - 49.3 mg
Phosphorous - 111 mg
Sodium - 89.6 mg
Folate - 33.6 mcg
Carbohydrates - 4.3 g
Dietary Fiber - 2.6 g
Total Fat - 14.7 mg
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• It lowers cholesterol
• It improves digestion
• It takes off wrinkles
• It stabilizes glucose levels
• It fights off viruses
• It Buildup cells
• Regulate hormones
• Increases thyroid production
• It helps Lose weight
• It increase metabolism
• It fights infections
• It staves off memory loss
• It kills bacteria
Related: More health benefits of coconut fruit and juice
•Considered one of the most treasured foods of all time, coconut products — including coconut flesh, coconut water, coconut oil, and coconut cream — each deliver superb health benefits.
Safety profile
Peanut allergy is a type of hypersensitivity response in some people to food substances prepared using these nuts. The resultant over-reaction of the immune system may manifet as severe physical symptoms like vomiting, stomach-pain, swelling of lips and throat leading to breathing difficulty, chest congestion, and sometimes death. It is, therefore, advised to avoid any food preparations that contain peanut products if you have such allergies.
Peanuts are one of the crops that are susceptible to fungal (mold) infection, especially byaspergillus flavus which produces aflatoxin.
Aflatoxin is a very powerful and dangerous known carcinogen that may cause liver cirrhosis and cancer. Roasting helps reduce toxin levels in these nuts and thus offers some protection against aflatoxin.( Medical disclaimer)
Well well well i don't have any allergies for nut so i'm off, want to get a Nut Nut snac-, lol, Share what you know.

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