The Devil's Incarnate - episode 2 (an encounter with the devil)

Morning came up on Melani, that morning was not at all like other mornings. The children were not allowed to come out of their homes.
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Women stayed indoors with their children and fear griped them. The men sat in front of their hamlets with expectants written all over their faces. The priests were all in the tents but they were not meditating, rather talking.
The Melani warriors guarding the walls saw troops of warriors coming towards Melani. It wasn't that from a single clan, Melani had more enemies than they ever tought.
It was berely 10years of their supposed blessing from brain so they weren't much afraid of a war.
"Jann," began Asinha, "command the warriors to go with my son brain out of the kingdom and ambus the invaders"
"but my lord, the invaders would surely out number us." replied brain, as he was in the gathering.
"Brain, Lord Asinha has spoken. Lets go" said Jann.
And the Brainwizard, along with all the other warriors left to ambush the Invaders. It was easy ambushing them but in no time the numbers game had their way because they were out numbered.
Melani's warriors were reduced to half, and almost retreating. Brainwizard, took the sword from the dead warrior leader and led the war to a suprising victory. An army of just about 120 defeated an army of a thousand plus. The victory was unbeliveable as the survivals from the invaders flee as fast as their feet could go.
But something else also happened, the brainwizard had vanished.
Surrounded by flames of fire, was the brainwizard lying fast asleep. He was brought to life by a call, it was Lucifa.
"You cannot die in a war, you are not yet 16. I have not yet had my ways with you, go back to your body" said Lucifa.
"agrrrh!!" groaned a tired brainwizard, as the pain from the stab of an arrow on its chest grew deep.
Soon the dragon carried him on his back and flew away.

Feew days later, a group of young girls who went to fetch firewood in the wood saw a lifeless body on a log of wood, they were scared to death and ran way. Soon the older men came and found out it was brainwizard and that he was alive. He was unconcious th'o.
He was taken to the priests tents where he was treated, he couldn't die so his healing came at its peak.
The priests sat together and talked about the future. It was less than about 3years to elapse the years of joy Nathan had promised them.
Jann- What is our fate in about 3years when the grace period is over?
Beir- We seize to exist.
Jann- what!
Mandi- Beir, why not say something reasonable and stop adding to the burden.
Beir- (getting angry) what do you expect me to say? Had it not been for that child what would be of us??
[then all 13 pairs of eyes fell on Asinha who was lost in taught]
Mandi- Lord Asinha, what have you to say?
Asinha- i can say nothing, what will be will be
Beir- you hear that? Lets simple wait for our doom.
After the meeting, Asinha locked himself in his chambers and tought deep. He knew the fate of Melani after the period of grace, total doom. He had seen it in his visions even before the birth of his son.
Days crawled into weeks, then into months, and months turned into years, there was no war.
"Brain, wakeup" called a voice
"ouch, who calls to disturb my evening rest?" replied Brain from his sleep and upon opening his eyes it was Lucifa himself.
"The 16years of grace is over, now is the time for me to have access to you" said Lucifa in his cunning deceiving voice.
"Do with me as you please" said Brain.
...and at once he could feel a large amount of flame fill him and it started to transform his inner. It started with his bornes. His bornes became far stronger than any 16year old human ever lived, that no one could ever want to arm-wrestle with him. Then it went to his heart. His heart became as hard as rock and cold as ice. He started by having becoming hot tempered, it was tought to be normal because the first brainwizard was hot tempered but it was later tought otherwise when he raped a priest's wife and whenthe priest rebuked and spoke ill to him, he stabbed the priest to death!
... To be continued.

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