Ectopic/Tubal pregnancy

Though pregnancy is good news, it is also associated with several kinds of risks and complications.
On such complication is an ectopic / tubal pregnancy, which is expected to occur in every two out of hundred women.

An ectopic pregnancy is a condition in which, the fertilized egg gets implanted outside the uterus and usually in the walls of the fallopian tube. This is also called as a tubal pregnancy. This kind of pregnancy generally does not survive, as the implantation occurs at a wrong place and once this condition is diagnosed the pregnancy has to be terminated immediately. Ectopic pregnancy, if left unattended, can prove to be fatal.
tubal pregnancy
Though ectopic pregnancy can occur to anyone, the following are some of the causes that can trigger the risk of ectopic pregnancy in certain women.
-STD/Pelvic Disease
-Endometriosis (a kind of disorder, in which the uterine tissues grow outside the uterus in places such as ovaries, bladder, fallopian tube and the rectum.)
-Use of Intra Uterine Devices For Contraceptions
-Medications (all the hormonal medications, those which are used either for infertility or for contraception, cause ectopic pregnancy)
-History Of Previous Ectopic Pregnancy (Women, who have a history of previous ectopic pregnancy, are termed as high risk category as they have a greater chance of another ectopic pregnancy.)
-Age Factor (Women conceiving after the age of 35 or 40 may develop the complication of an ectopic pregnancy.)
-Surgeries on the abnominal regions
What are the Symptoms of tubal / ectopic pregnancies??
The initial symptoms of tubal pregnancy are just like the symptom of a normal pregnancy—A missed period, vomiting, tender breast, increase in the number of urination and nausea. Here are more symptoms-
-Vaginal Bleeding
-Abdominal Pain
-Pain In The Shoulder
-Bowel Pain
There are many other symptoms, and it goes on and on, the best way to go about this is is to frequent your doctor once you are pregnant.
Ectopic pregnancy is an abnormal condition and there is no means to predict or prevent its occurrence. It can occur in anyone, irrespective of any of the causes stated above. However, as a preventive measure, by using condoms during intercourse, one can perhaps avoid the STDs which are considered as the prominent cause of ectopic pregnancy. Apart from this, this condition can also be avoided to a certain extent through an early diagnosis, thats why you should frequent your doctor once you take in. A diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages enables us to evade all the serious complications related to it, and minimize the occurrence of such risks in future.
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