The Devil's Incarnate - episode 5 (A new ending)

'No, No No, No, Noooo!' screamed Brainwizard as he woke up from his Bad Dreams. He looked besides him as Cosan slept wild. He said in his hearth, 'I've had enough!'
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In the Morning, Brainwizard sent for Korma. He was surprised she was still as elegant as ever. He asked her to live with him and share in his pains, she aggreed.
Not upto a week, Roah, the Cheif army reported to Brainwizard and Cosan that a troop of Aihama soldiers were found coming close to the city walls, Brainwizard comanded the armies to prepare an attack!
In his war suit, standing with his best friend ever, Cosan and Brainwizard reached the city wall only to stand One on One with his long time enemy, Mandi.
'The Day the Lion becomes cripled, is the day all the animals would come to take what is theirs!' said mandi.
*** you don't get? Mandi had been behind the war all the time, but this time, Brainwizard's own army were with Melani in an attempt to conquer the Kingdom from him! ***
The warriors attacked Brainwizard and Cosan while Mandi and his Son sat and watched with a grin. They were upto a thousand soldiers and were no match for just Brainwizard and Cosan but Brainwizard couldn't die, what about Cosan??
The war was taking a really longer time than expected because the army should have gotten rid of them long ago but it seemed, impossible. Out of the Blue, Brainwizard alone, saw Lucifa, with a flaming spear, fling it at Cosan.
'C-O-S-A-N !!!' screamed Brainwizard as his Best friend died.
His Head Fell back to the good old days when he and Cosan only worried about how they would live together after they were married.
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In range he took a spear from the Belly of a dead warrior and threw it straight at Mandi and as he Jumped down the hill he heard Mandi Scream to death.
'I am here, you can't see me; i shall come, and you can't stop me. I'm the Brainwizard!' said the Dragon roaring over an almost lifeless body. The Brainwizard got up, staggered and with tears in his eyes, he pleaded mercy from the Brainwizard and Nathan. And the dragon carried him back to life.'
He found himself lying on a wooden bed with a beautiful lady by his side, she was Korma. She smiled to him, he could tell she was shy but he never knew why.
The next morning, the whole town was Ablaze. The Devil's Comet had come. Monacho, and all Lucifa's Demon were unleashed on Melani, killing every soul that breathed and burning the city to the ground.
Brainwizard quickly put Korma in a ship, and asked her to sail to safety, he promised to come for her when the war was over.
He became in the spirit as the Dragon came out to him, he rode on the dragon and in a spiritual direction they rode to Mars where Lucifa had being waiting for them. This was a redemption for Brainwizard.
Brainwizard and the Devil fought their lives out, until both were gassed out. The Dragon lay on one side and the Brainwizard lay on the other side with Lucifa on one side. Then a pillar of blinding light fell from the sky, they all knew who it was. The Melani called him the sky god, Lucifa called him the Most High God!
At his sight, the devil went on his knee, he began to praise him. Brainwizard begged the sky god to let him have his come back,
'Remember you promised i would re-incarnate' pleased Brainwizard
'no No no, no re-incarnations for you, you already re-incarnated.' roared Lucifa.
'Lucifa, you shall neer again be let loose from your cage of hell, you shall neer again re-incarnate anyone. Emmanuel, you shall have your last re-incarnation on eart' concluded the sky God.
'... But my Lord, Brainwizard is still alive, how then can he be re-incarnated?' said the Devil.
'Brainwizard has vanished just like Enoch, now off you go to hell' comanded the sky god. And the light went off.
In a twinkle of an eye, the demons left melani to join Lucifa in hell. Brainwizard felt his body fall off while his spirit still standing, the paid was the same he had when giving birth to the demons. He burried the body there on mars.
His spirit flew to Korma who was safe on a river bank, he said his last words to her.,
'I know what you did, you mated with me the night Cosan died and gave me your virginity. Take care of our child, i shall come again.'
and with that the Brainwizard vanished, pending his return.
The City of Melani wiped out of the surface of the earth and was replaced by a desert. Never to be rememberd.
This is the Story of The Devil's Incarnate.

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