Myths & Misconceptions about Anal 5ex

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I've written some articles in the pasts about health disadvantages of Anal $£* where i stated out the implications of this act, i also shared on Other Anal activities but today i'm totally different.
Today i'm going to be talking about the Myths and Misconceptions about Anal $ £*, so lets get going.
#1 It s always painful. If you tried anal $£* without lube and started out with anything bigger than a finger, then yes, it WILL hurt! That 's why you need to start small and go slow at first, use plenty of lube, and keep the lines of communication open. The an*s has hundreds of pleasurable nerve endings, so the experience is meant to be insanely pleasurable, not horribly painful.
#2 It' s dirty and unhygienic. Another common misconception is based on the premise that when one engages in anal $£*, there will be sh** everywhere, literally! However, contrary to popular belief, the anal cavity isn t actually where the feces is stored, and there will only be trace amounts of fecal matter located there. There are plenty of ways to remedy the situation with gentle enemas, thorough cleansing of the area, keeping your bowel movements regular, and having overall good hygiene. The only way anal $£* will be that dirty and unhygienic is if you are generally a dirty and unhygienic person. On a side note, I can 't say it will be completely squeaky clean, but it will not be anything that a c¤nd¤m or a quick rinse after won' t solve.

#3 It' s not safe. For the sake of argument, none of the $£*ual entry point is considered safe unless you make it a point to have safe $£*. While the anus is apparently more prone to spreading HIV and other STDs as opposed to that of the VG, it all comes down to how responsible you are when engaging in anal $£*. C¤nd ¤ms, both external and internal, can prevent the spread of disease, while lubrication helps prevent tears in the anal lining or cavity.
#4 It will cause permanent physical damage. This goes right into the trash bin that says that a VG gets stretched out the more $£* or children a woman has. Having anal $£* will not cause you to lose control of your an*s, leading to involuntary bowel movements wherever you go.
Since your an*s, like the VG, is a muscle, it will get stronger the more it is used. It might feel like the an*s gets more relaxed the more you engage in anal penetration of any kind, but that s because you are mentally more comfortable and therefore less tense back there.
#5 Only g^y men and slutty girls enjoy anal $£*. As mentioned above, not only sluts enjoy anal $£*, the same way that not only g^y men enjoy it. There are plenty of straight men who enjoy having a girl experiment with their backdoor regions. Straight women can enjoy it, and even l£$b!Ã¥ns, too. Whatever your $£*ual orientation, if you have an an*s, you have every right to enjoy anal $£*!

#6 You won 't get pregnant through anal, so there s no need for protection. Engaging in anal $£* without protection is never a good idea. Just because you can t get pregnant from it doesn t mean its safe to be unprotected. Regardless of whether you are straight, g^y, l£$b!^n, trans$£*ual, monogamous, polygamous, or even a virgin, having anal $£* unprotected runs the risk of infections and STD s. Wrap it up!

Please i got this tips Online, and so i tought of sharing it just for the educational purpose and nothing more. I'm not in support of anal $£* at all, but i just wanted to clear the myths and misconceptions about it... just that.
Stay entertained, Stay updated with the right informations and Share what you know.

Credits: Love Panky

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