10 best Gifts to give to your Dad

When it comes to buying gifts for our parents, most of us are puzzled and confused of what to buy and what not to buy. This confusion mainly arises from a fear if they would like the gifts, whether we will able cater to their requirements and the lot. On the contrary, parents especially fathers are likely to scold and shout for spending money unnecessarily; in the end we see them using the gifts we children give them.

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This sweet and sour nuance of paternal love is the main cause behind us getting perplexed over the choices. We cannot repay in kind or cash for what they have done for us, but certain tokens of love would make happy as they would know that even if we grow, they are our priority. So it is necessary to chose the best for our fathers, budget depends on each person, but the choices can be considered on a general basis. To pick the right gift for anyone, we need to understand their likes and dislikes better than them, when one gifts his or her father, this should be the primary concern that the gift should meet their standards of taste and not one’s own.

The first choice that comes to our minds is to pick a good range of clothing for our father. This is also something that ribs the heart out of us for we get baffled at the thought if are choosing the right colour and if there is a brand preference! It is fine when we are with our parents, the scene changes when we are staying away from them, if they have the same shirt that we have picked up for them. The quality of the material, the size, colour and pattern should be checked properly, sometimes what we like may not be liked by them though they wear it for not making us sad.

“If music be the food of love, play on” and definitely it is. Gifting our hero with a music player is indeed a very good idea. They can enjoy music while they go for walk and they can actually flaunt the ipod or mp3 player among their lot. People also go in for their favourite song collections, there would be a generation gap factor, so try to know their tastes and gift them what they love to hear.

What are men, if they are not gadget freaks… this is the common perception on the male gender and to a great extent it is also true. A new mobile is the best option, if you are fortunate to get the breaking news that your dad’s mobile has crashed or lost; usually father is a person who cannot lose anything it is always the child who cannot handle things properly and hence such a piece of
information comes very rare. If he has got one, then you can go for mobile accessories like blue tooth, mobile covers etc,.

For people who go to office and have to travel a lot, the bags and briefcases would be handy as well as a great choice. Nowadays there are splendid varieties of them available in the market, one has to just choose the bag that catches one’s attraction. Even online websites sell bags and sometimes during annual sale day and other occasions, they add belts and other accessories along with the bags as complimentary gifts.

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As the joke goes, Men desire watches more than women! Watches are really style statements for all. Some watches can be used as jewellery and some are real assets that at times one can mortgage them in case of dire need. Depending upon how much can spend, good quality watches are available in the market. When it comes to technology, the Swiss-made are the best in terms of reliability and durability.

Here comes oomph factor- the shades! How stylish Mr.Dad would look wearing shades or goggles. It is good for their eyes as well as style factor. Make sure to get a good one for you or else you shall look deglamourized in front of your father. While choosing the goggles, one has to keep in mind whether it would suit their face, as each frame is designed for different face types. If he has got a oval face, wider frames are the best choice; square frames for rectangular face; small or rounded frames for triangular face; oval and round frames for square face and narrow frames for round face. The skin tone should be considered for choosing the colour of the shade as well the frame. My dad won't appreciate a google 'cos he dislikes them, so know if its what he wears.

An occasional donning the role of a chef can make the father happy provided the food is yummy! A special cuisine for a special person, do not overdo things and end up in hospital!! If one is away from home, a surprise home delivery of father’s favourite dishes and sweets could actually work. The mother should be informed of this before hand or else the next big thing after the food is delivered would a call to your mobile with the mother at the other end hurling a volley of abuse for ruining her time in the kitchen if she had already prepared the dishes!!

A collage of your childhood images, family snaps and if possible collect your father’s childhood and wedding pictures and make them into a collage or a photo album. It would be an emotional moment for all of us to go back to the past and get the memorable events captured by the camera and compile it into a present day memento.

Health care accessories are thoughtful gifts. With the consultation of a doctor, pick the best health care products for your father. They are ageing and need health supplements, rather than going to hospitals to check the blood pressure and such minor things, if they could have apparatus home so that they can check their conditions regularly would be convenient for them. This'll also help them to regulate their diet, do exercise at home and keep them stay healthy.

No gifts in the world can never come to the level of love we give our parents. Money can fetch costlier gifts, it is not what our parents need in their ageing days. The people who admit or abandon their parents in the old age homes also send occasional gifts to them but could never make them happy. It is truly said that happiness cannot be bought with money.
A walk together with your father, a movie with parents, the more time and love we can give them would them happy. If one is married and has got children, this act of loving one’s
parents is a virtual education of one’s children, teaching them love parents not through words but love. People working in different countries or states or districts may not have this luxury but whenever ones gets time, reserve some for parents. If they can spend their youth for our betterment, can’t we spend a few hours of our life to make them feel better and happy! There might have differences of opinion, some of them walked out of the families to pursue their career, love interests and son, if anybody who reads this article is going through a bad phase in life because of these issues, think that it is a passing phase and blood relations are thicker than water, the rough patch would be erased off by time, in the meanwhile make your father realize that no matter what happens, you shall be there for him always!
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Credits: listcrux

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