Easy ways to clean the home if you are lazy

Cleaning the house isn’t the funniest activity. On the contrary, it’s challenging to keep things clean and neat when you don’t have time for tidying up your home each day, especially when you have a little bundle of joy.

Cleaning takes lots of energy, effort and time, so the last thing you want to do when your weekend finally comes is spend a few hours trying to organize your messy house. Whether you are a busy blogger or a lazy fan, knowing these little cleaning secrets will help you keep your place clean and tidy with minimum to no effort.

1. Make your bed each morning.
Your room looks much tidier when you make your bed, doesn’t it? It takes around 30 seconds to complete this little and easy task. If each member of your family will develop a habit of making their beds in the morning, you will always have a clean house in the evening. Moreover, a few studies show that making the bed in the morning boosts happiness and improves sleep. I'm not sure tho, but my house is absolutely tidy and clean when my bed is made. And when my house is neat, I’m happy.

2. Don’t wait, clean it immediately.
Every time you see a dirty sink, a dusty shelf, or a pile of your little one’s clothes, clean it right away without waiting for a weekend. A little done each day is a surefire way to have a clean house with very little effort. It’s better to spend 5 minutes doing one little cleanup than 4 hours cleaning the whole house.

3. Do the laundry each day.
It’s much easier and quicker to launder several pieces of clothing than a pile of it. Do the laundry every other day to have more free time on your weekends.

4. The less things, the tidier your house.
Girls have tons of things they don’t need or use anymore, but they still keep them at home. All those things build up, you have no time to cope with that stuff and end up living in a messy house. Even if you clean your house regularly, it can’t look tidy and neat when you have piles of clutter all over the house. Sell, give or throw away those things you don’t need anymore and you’ll see the difference. I don’t have a lot of stuff. It’s not because I’m poor or frugal. I just don’t buy things I don’t need and throw away the old ones once I stop using it. The less things you have at home, the tidier your house is. Keep this rule in mind.

5. Tidy up your kitchen after each meal.
Do your dishes right after a meal to keep your kitchen clean. It’s so hard to do all the dirty dishes that have accumulated through the week, believe me. You don’t have time to wash your dishes in the morning and you may feel too tired to wash them in the evening. Then, you spend 3 hours (depending on how big your family is) doing those dishes on Saturday. Then, cleaning and coping with the clutter. Bang! You realize Saturday is over and you’re tired again.

6. Keep your stuff in order.
Every thing in your house has to be in its own place. I’m not a perfectionist, but I like the order. I know where a certain item is so I don’t waste my precious time looking for it all day long. Plus, I don’t spend hours coping with all those things on my weekends. Try to keep your stuff in order. If you take something, make sure you return it to its place.

7. Keep your hand vacuum handy.
Dragging out your full-sized vacuum cleaner every time your children spill seeds or popcorn on the sofa or your cat leaves its hair on the carpet is a time-consuming and rather noisy activity. Hand vacuum is a useful alternative to full-sized vacuum cleaner. Keep it handy to clean your house in a matter of seconds.

8. Turn up the music.
Positive attitude helps to cope with the hardest task with less stress and effort. If you live alone, put on your favorite music and turn it up. Enjoy your cleaning time and sing or dance as tho no one is watching you.

Cleaning is an effective workout, which means you can burn some pounds without sweating. If you have kids, show them that cleaning the house isn’t a boring task. You can have tons of fun and get your home clean and organized at the same time. I don’t know why so many people dread cleaning, but I think it’s not as boring and hard as you may think. My mom taught me how to keep the house clean without exhausting yourself. I never saw and heard her moaning about cleaning and I don’t want my kids to make faces every time I say it’s time to get our home organized. Positive thinking makes even the most boring process fun. Have fun, enjoy a tidy and neat home, and don’t forget to share your best cleaning tips with us.

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