How to make a girl smile, laugh, and like you.

A girl’s cheerful smile is a sign you’re doing something right. Use these tips on how to make a girl laugh to impress her in the first few minutes.

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The first conversation plays a big part in impressing a girl. You could be introduced to her, or you may walk into her in the hallway.
All it takes is the first few minutes for her to make an impression about you. Being a guy, that’s a pretty scary idea if you don’t know what it takes to impress a girl. But if you do know how to appear warm and likeable at first sight, you’ve got the dating game to your advantage already.

How to make a girl laugh
For a guy who doesn’t know the first thing about humor, the idea of turning into a funny BOVI overnight can be daunting. But the truth is simple. All of us can be funny guys when the situation arises. We just need to understand what kind of funny we’re good at and use it successfully.
For starters, here’s a piece of advice. Don’t be a wannabe funny guy. The wanna-be funny guy is the guy who says something *he thinks is funny* and looks at the girl expectantly waiting for her to laugh. And if she doesn’t laugh, this wanna-be guy does the unthinkable. He says something like “oh, you don’t think that was funny?” or “hey, you’re supposed to laugh now…” with a straight
Don’t screw yourself over by making things awkward for the girl talking to you.

How to avoid being the wannabe funny guy and be the real fun guy
A real funny guy who knows how to make a girl laugh doesn’t wait for applause. The show must go on. Say something funny, wait for a flash of a second for her to respond, and continue talking. If the girl finds it funny, she’ll laugh. If she doesn’t, you don’t lose anything. You’re still talking, and you can just say something else that’s funny when the moment arises!

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Here are 6 tips that can help you understand what it takes to be a funny guy, before you try making a girl laugh.

#1 Don’t try too hard. Don’t memorize jokes off the internet. That doesn’t make you a funny and charming guy. It makes you a poser who’s trying to be a joker.

#2 Learn from funny people. You don’t have to try to be funny in your own way, especially if you don’t know where to start. Notice funny people, be it friends or comedians. Watch the funny guys in stand up clubs and in the funny movies, and you’d see that it’s less to do with saying the joke, and more to do with your timing and body language.

#3 Don’t overdo it. A funny guy doesn’t just utter funny one-liners all the time. A funny guy is creative. He’s a regular guy who’s fun to hang out with. But every now and then, he uses the circumstances around him to say something that’s a laugh. Remember that. You don’t always have to be funny every second, wait for the right moment when you remember or see something that’s worth a laugh.

#4 The annoying funny guy. When you try too hard, you’d end up coming across as a very annoying guy. He’s the wanna-be funny guy who looks around the room, hoping someone will find his joke funny and laugh with him. Don’t try too hard ever, or you’d just look pathetic.

#5 Don’t laugh looking at others. If you find something funny, laugh wholeheartedly. A happy laugh is totally infectious. Even if the girl you’re with doesn’t laugh, she’ll warm up to you *unless you’re laughing the maniacal laugh*.

#6 Don’t be bored. Let your happiness consume her. Feel happy when you speak to a girl you’re trying to impress. When your face lights up with enthusiasm and happiness, she’ll start smiling without even realizing it. If you ever watch a cool guy like Al Pacino laugh on youtube, you’ll see his face brighten up when he’s in a humorous mood.

Why do girls like a guy with a sense of humor?
When you approach a girl, as a friend or as a date, both of you are out of your comfort zones. Both of you don’t know the other person’s likes and dislikes. And most importantly, there’s nothing common to talk about yet.

So with every sentence you say, the discomfort in the air would only increase unless you cut the tension with something. And that’s where humor can help make things comfortable for the both of you. Humor is universal and something everyone can relate to, unless you’re making crude jokes about body parts.
Just like it’s easier for two people to have things in common to talk about when they’re at an art gallery, a music concert or even at a hospital, using something that both of you can relate to will help you break the ice and make the girl feel more comfortable in your presence. In every situation where both of you don’t have too many things to talk about, humor will always come to your rescue.
Humor will not only make the girl you’re talking to feel comfortable around you, it also makes her laugh, feel happy and have a nice time with you. And at the end of the conversation, it will leave her thinking fondly of you because she had a nice time with you!
You can exchange flirty glances with a girl the whole night, but if you can’t make a move and have a fun conversation with her, you won’t be able to impress her. And that’s where the effectiveness of good humor can help you win her over.

10 things to remember while trying to make a girl laugh
Now that you understand the need of humor and the little nuances that matter in differentiating a wannabe funny guy and a truly funny guy, use these 10 humor tips that are always effective with the ladies.

#1 Situational humor. Use circumstances around you to say something funny. If you notice something funny around you, talk about it. If she’s noticed it too, she’d definitely be able to relate to what you have to say.

#2 Don’t be mean. For many guys, being mean to another friend or a minion may seem like the easiest way to make a girl laugh. But that’s not humor, that’s just you being mean and it will only make the girl dislike you.

#3 Self deprecating humor. Women love self deprecating humor. It makes them feel comfortable instantly, because you let them see that you’re willing to put yourself down just to humor them.

#4 Tease her. Teasing a girl is a great way to make her laugh and have a cute fight with you. Once you get to know her and you’re a few minutes into the conversation, put her down about something that she’s very confident about. She’d retaliate in jest immediately and she’d know you’re only teasing her anyway.

#5 The dumb dude. Pretend to be dumb and clueless about something she says *as long as it’s trivial* and then let her know you knew it already. She may take offence, but if you laugh it off immediately while placing your arm around her, she’ll laugh along.

#6 Flirt discreetly. Flirting is always a great way to make a girl laugh, and even better, blush. If there are others around, be discreet with your flirting. If no one’s around, go all out. The wilder your flirting, the more she’d laugh and smile about it.

#7 Light hearted laughing. Don’t take yourself too seriously when you’re trying to be funny with a girl. If the girl says something to put you down, try to use humor to get back instead of letting her know you were offended.

#8 Tall tales. A funny story is always a conversation maker. It gives you several minutes to bond, and make you

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