Is it cool Dating a Vigro Lady?

Vigro is one who was born between August 23 and September 22. If you fall in love with a Virgo woman, you`ll probably have a long-last, happy relationship with her. However, you should be ready to encounter some difficulties because Virgo women are among the most difficult individuals that have unusual characters. She`ll make you happy but she can also drive you crazy every other day. If you feel you really like that Virgo woman, learn how to accept her the way she is. Otherwise, she’ll forget about you in a month.

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Here are 8 traits that make a Virgo woman awesome and mean at the same time.

1. She’s critical.

When you do something without asking her, avoiding her criticism is impossible. Virgo women love and value themselves. They are masterful and can`t keep silent when someone do something they don’t like or approve. They think they are smarter than others and never need someone else’s advice. In spite of this, your Virgo girlfriend can give you really precious pieces of wisdom.

2. She can be harsh.

Sometimes a Virgo woman can be harsh but it doesn`t mean that she wants to hurt you – she is just straight forward. Don`t take all she says personally. It`s the way she thinks and
you should be grateful for her truthful treatment. Saying rude things is one of the worst Virgo traits. A Virgo woman doesn`t always think before speaking. She realizes it and it`s important for her to know that you can handle her direct nature.

3. She’s inflexible.

A Virgo woman is a perfectionist by nature. She can`t leave her to-do list uncompleted and you`ll have to wait until she finally accomplish every task she planned. Often at times you may think that you are not her priority, but fighting over it is useless. She is not the one who’ll do anything to save a relationship.

4. She’s judgmental.

Being judgmental is one of a Virgo woman`s flaws. Once she meets an unknown person, she tries to create an opinion about them at once. It often leads to wrong, hasty conclusions. She does it unintentionally and then changes her attitude. But until she realizes that she was wrong, you may hear lots of nonsense from this girl. Well, this is the way she is so just accept it.

5. She’s moody.

Yep, women are emotional and moody but Virgo women are highly emotional. She can be fully happy now but totally destructed in 5 minutes. She has a tender, sensitive soul. She can start crying over a drama movie or even when she sees a cute homeless puppy on the street. Instead of getting angry, help her cope with those mood swings. If you realize that you can`t help, just leave her alone for a while. It doesn`t mean you don`t care about her, you just let her do what is needed to renew a healthy state of mind.

6. She’s romantic.

Even tho Virgo ladies are known for their complicated traits, they have many wonderful characteristic too. They are passionate and romantic. She`ll be on cloud 9 if you try to create an unforgettable date. Buy some flowers and invite her to a romantic dinner on the roof under the stars. She likes surprises and wants you to make her dreams come true despite her extremely logic and realistic world view. You can also make her happier by planning a trip to a riverside with fire, guitar playing, storytelling and delicious food.

7. She’s opti-pessimist.

A Virgo woman is not a type of permanently shining people with an endlessly positive outlook. She`s often sad because of those hundreds of thoughts she has inside. She feels lost and miserable when she can’t accomplish some tasks. Try to cheer her up by pointing out the bright side of life. Speak about some grateful things you can do together and show her how happy you two are for real. She needs you to make her smile.

8. She wants to work, work and work.

Being obsessed with work 24 hours a day is all about a Virgo woman. She likes to work and wants to do everything ideally so she can be busy even on weekends. Even if you manage to persuade her to have fun together and distract from those tasks for a while, she wouldn`t enjoy it because all her thoughts will be connected with her work only.

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Being in a relationship with a Virgo woman isn`t easy but if you`re able to ignore all her strange traits and focus on her positive ones instead, you`ll be a happy couple.
Don`t judge her for the tendency to work and think non-stop. If you want to relax together, just be more romantic and creative to let her forget about her daily routine. If you feel like this Virgo girl is really the one and you`re ready to cope with her complicated character, give her a chance, and I`m sure, you won`t regret.

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