How Nigerian boy, Timothy, got castrated and hospitalised

Some people are directly responsible for their predicaments, this article is as scripted by my long time friend Timothy, this is how he got paralised and castrated.
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Hello fans, my Name is Timothy and this is how i caused myself to be both castrated and hospitalised.
My friend John and i travelled to Ogun state to check our UTMe results and other stuffs conserning our admisssion. Night fell on us, stranded in the middle of nowhere so we decieded to seek refuge in the house of a Chineese resident in the state.
"I have a very beautiful daughter" said the man, "if any of you try meeting her, you shall face the 3 chineese tortures."
"We promise sir!" was our reply.
We recieved our separate rooms and we departed for the night.
I couldn't keep my libido down so i decieded to visit the beautiful girl. One thing let to another and we had it! I returned to my room quickly without any one noticying.

The next morning i woke up and found a little rock, about 3kg resting on my chest with an inscription → "chineese torture 1". I said to myself, "if this is the torture,i am ready".
I threw the rock out of the 16feet window and there on the window post i saw the inscription; "rock tied to left testis, chineese toture 2".
In 2 secouds i madeup my mind, some broken bornes are better than castration so i jumped off. About 3feet below the window i saw another inscription, 2nd testis tied to bed post.—peeeeew!
That is how i became hospitalized and castrated!

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