Reasons Guys say ladies have nothing to offer

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I'ld tell you why;
They are so much concerned about Receiving than Giving. No matter how we try to embellish this, it will not change the fact that it doesn’t make any sense. No guy will appreciate a lady who wants to milk him dry or wants him for only financial assistance and doesn’t care about his personal feelings or his happenings. These kinds of ladies have nothing to offer than milk you dry and in some cases compensate you with what they have under their skirts.
Because They Cannot be Relied upon. The materialistic ladies are mostly double dealer. They hardly keep on a guy as their boyfriend even if the guy give them heaven and earth, they will still look elsewhere for something they don’t really need because they are confused set of beings. This reminds me of a lady in our hood. Her boyfriend did all he could to ensure that the lady was contended (got her a well furnished apartment, and always sent allowances for feeding and her upkeep). On a fateful day, he paid her a surprise visit only to catch a dude bleeping her in the same room he secured for her. He got mad and sent her packing out of the apartment. All these yeye friends of hers supported her and blamed the guy, saying what did he do that a guy has never done before.
Because they see s ex as an investment. Ladies who see s ex as investment have nothing to offer in a relationship. This is why you see many of them crying after a breakup that the guy betrayed their trust despite how much they have invested in the relationship. Ask them what they have invested and they will say, afterall they allowed him get under their skirts but he later dumped her. She will finally concludes all guys are the same.
Because they are ingrates. Those who do request gifts, money and what not are hardly appreciative. This is because, whatever guys give them, they will compare with what other guys have been giving them. They will be like, I don’t know Brain is very stingy. Imagine he gave me an hand bag of N45,000 as my Christmas, while Bezzy emptied his account and even borrowed from his friend just to commemorate my birthday. Personally, I feel that doing a favour for your fellow guy is like an investment while doing ladies favour is seen as your bound duty. This notion has made many of them become ingrate.
Because They don’t help our dreams come true. In recent time, I have started venturing and conditioning my mind on productive things that will make me become a messiah to many, rather than give myself unnecessary worries on ladies who will claim they truly love me, and the same lady will start acting weird the moment a guy using Peajout 504 swags her. If they want to insult me, at least, I still have my meagre cash with me.
Because They Force Guys to make solemn promises before opening their legs. To some ladies, what they have in-between their legs, is their shops, therefore, they use as manipulative measures to coerce guys into making solemn promises such as renting shops for them, paying their school fees, buys new generation electronic gadgets. When a lady put you in such a tight condition, this is an indication that she has nothing but five minutes pleasure to offer.
Because They are Lazy. To the average Nigerian lady out there, a man must lavish money on her to be taken serious or seen as impressive. Men are tiredlessly working their asses out there, hustling to better their lives, while most of these ladies just rest their asses at home waiting for a wealthy man to come date and marry them so that their hustle will end, yet they fight for feminism. Lazy girl have nothing to offer but five minutes pleasure.
Their Looks is their utmost Priority. Many ladies work more on improving on their looks than their characters, or venture into things that will make them a complete lady. These kind of ladies have nothing to offer guys than kitty-cat.
Because many of them don’t take to correction. I detest ladies who have the habit of “if a guy truly loves me, he should be able to cope with my flaws or he walks out of the relationship”. These kinds of ladies won’t take to correction no matter what. They have nothing to offer but s ex.
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