Signs you should break up with your boo written by Brainfavvy
You break up just to make up. No one likes being taken for a ride, a relationship is meant to bring you comfort and happiness. Here are some signs that it's time to break up for good.
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He only calls you his girlfriend when it's convenient for him » Any guy worthy of someone as amazing as you should be proud to call you his GF. He's not sure about your relationship status. But if you've made it official and he's still weird about calling you his GF in front of other people, it probably mean he's not ready to be in a relationship.
You only call or text each other when you're mad » If the only time you call or text him, you're complaining about something he did, you're not happy. And if almost ever convo turns into a fight, it's a sign, you have major communication issues. Yes, you will argue and have disagreements, but you should be spending the majority of your texting time sending heart-eye emojis and kissy faces.
None of your friends or family like him » Your besties just want to look out for you. If all of them have issues with your BF or suddenly stop hanging out with you whenever he's around, maybe they don't like the way he's treating you. It might be hard to hear, but talk it out with them. They might point out some red flags that you haven't noticed or don't want to see. Sometimes, you might not even realize that your relationship has been bringing you down, but your friends and family can.

You're constantly worrying about where he is and who he's with » If you're feeling insecure about your relationship because he hasn't told you how he feels, it might just mean you need to have an honest convo. But if he's acting super shady or giving you a reason to be jealous, he's probably not ready to be in a relationship. You shouldn't spend your time apart freaking out about the possibility that your BF might be flirting with someone else.
You secretly check his social media accounts, or go through his phone while he's in the bathroom » If you feel the need to snoop around, you can't really trust him. Be honest with yourself about whether it might be in your head, or if he's done something to break your trust. If you have to go behind his back to get info about what he's doing or who he's talking to, it means you can't trust him.
You fight more than you have fun » You shouldn't have to walk on egg shells whenever you're with your boo, because you're worried you might start arguing. If you can't spend the majority of your time with him laughing, saying whatever is on your mind, and having a good time, then it's not worth it.
He talks bad about your friends » Your BF doesn't have to be besties with your besties, but he should care that they mean a lot to you, and want to get along with (and impress!) them. Unless one of your friends is totally trying to bring you down, your BF should not try to stop you from hanging out with them, or come between you and your BFFs.
He makes you feel bad about yourself » If your BF makes you feel insecure or like you're always doing something wrong, then you're definitely in an unhealthy relationship. Anyone you date should make you feel like you're even more ***flawless than Taylor Swift and as fierce as Queen Ari, because you are!
He's always getting in trouble and bringing you down with him » Movies and TV shows make bad boys seem really attractive, but IRL, they don't always end up changing into the perfect boyfriend just because they fall for the right girl. If every time you're with him, you get into trouble at school or with your parents, or he engages in any type of illegal or dangerous activities, you need to remove yourself ASAP.
You're constantly breaking up and getting back together » It might seem like a no-brainer, but when you have history with someone, it can be hard to let go. The thing is, there's usually a pretty good reason why you keep breaking up. Maybe you're just not ready for a relationship, or maybe you need some serious time apart to figure out what you want. But if you're hoping he'll change, keep in the mind that if you always take him back and forgive him, he won't change.
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Authour - BrainFavvy
Credits - seventeen

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