Four questions you can never get their answers

I felt i was wise. I know i am wise. Infact i am wise, very wise. It almost landed me in trouble when i tried this on our Chemistry teacher. Th'o i wasn't good in his subject, i was bold to meet him. I told him if he failed my four questions i was wiser than him and he said if he got any of the four he would bath me with Tetraoxosulphate(vi)acid. He agreed, here were the questions
Me: Sir, how do you put an elephant into a fridge?
Chemistry teacher: hnmm, well you tell me.
Me: Well you just open the fridge and put it.
Chemistry teacher: hish!
Me: okay sir how then do you put a cow into the same fridge?
Chemistry teacher: Simple! (smilling), just open the fridge and put it in.
Me: no sir, you first remove the elephant from the fridge na.
Chemistry teacher: OMG! Brain!!
Me: Sir pardon me. But what if the king calls all the animals to his party, which animal would not go?
Chemistry teacher: Ofcourse its the tortoise, its very cunning.
Me: No sir, remember the cow is still in the fridge? It can't come na.
Chemistry teacher: Favour(now angry), i don't like this anymore.
Me: Just this last one. Sir what if on that day you want to cross a river. And then you remembered a day when cocrodiles ate a woman in the same river, but you have to cross the same river now. How do you do that?
Chemistry teacher: WTF, i can't cross it na, else with a canoe.
Me: why sir? The cocrodile also went to the Lion's party too.
Please what do you think this man would do to me. Would i get the acid bath afterall?

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