When God first taught of engineers, he made the spiders

Spider building its web
When God first taught of civil engineers, he made the spiders.
One might think that a spider builds its web haphazardly to fit whatever corner it fits. But lately, the science students around my vincinity(Teejah, Bezzy, and I) watched a spider closely as it made its web and discovered it was built on engineering principles.
Web building plan
The spider shares his building plans into four stages.
→The Spider 1st uilds a triangular framework.
triangular frame
→Then it builds a system of radial lines connecting the web to the framework. Following this it puts in a temporary spiral 'scaffolding'.
→Finally ,the stick spiral which would catch the prey, was put in and the scaffolding was remoed.
Final result
Now that would Leave a surprisingly strong structure! Thats the part we normally see.
It was obious to us that the spider was using engineering principles and making decisions as it went along to surmount difficulties. Next time you see a spider waving its web, stop and congratulate itsmile!

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