Some deadly mistakes ladies make in a relationship

This post is dedicated to my friend Benita. Shout out to benny. I'm sharing with you all those silly things ladies do in a relationship.

1. Stop Undervaluing Yourself

You are constantly required to prove yourself and face success and failure almost successively. It is therefore easy to diminish one’s self esteem and self worth. Try not to undervalue yourself.

Know that you are worth everything in the world and that everything you get, you deserve.

2. Stop Relying Completely On Your Partner.

To lean on someone for support isn’t bad, however to depending on someone to the extent that they become a crutch, is a very unhealthy idea that then makes your self-worth. your
emotional stability and your happiness dependent on something you have no
control over. Do rely on your partner for support, but not for neediness .

3. Stop Neglecting Communications / advices

Sometimes it’s hard to understand
someone. This is especially true if
you’re upset, angry, or sad so it’s
easier to just drop the topic of
conversation. However it is always a good idea to talk, ask, communicate in a relationship especially if you feel like
your cannot understand your partner’s need or his way of communicating.

Doing so will strengthen your
relationship and give both of you a better idea of each other.

4. Stop Trying to Change Him

Men and women in our generation & that preceding ours, (thanks to the huge gender binary that we were brought up in) are quite different in the way they think, act, and behave. Not everyone , of course, but a lot of them. There will be things about your partner that you’ld like and there'ld be some
you don’t. You would’ve probably
preferred it if he didn’t have those
traits. However, now that he does, take them with a pinch of salt and try to get used to them. Don’t try to change him to your liking, instead focus more on
what you like and less on what you

5. Stop Undermining What He Does for You

Some men are familiar with women’s ideas of romance. However, most men,
though absolutely loving, seldom keep up with a woman’s definition of
romance in right. Keep in mind that just
because he doesn’t know the things
you didn’t tell him, doesn’t make him
uncaring. If there is something you
want him to do, just tell him straight
up. It’ll make your life easier and his

6. Stop Being Too Picky Over Things You Can’t Control

Memories are created by those who
don’t fret the little details. Seldom do things in life go just the way you want
them to. Getting upset when plans are changed is very normal, inorder to
brood over those changes or throw
tantrums or have constant snide
remarks can ruin a memory in
progress and spoil yours and your
partner’s mood. Unless the change in
plans is something you absolutely
cannot accept and it adversely affects your health or your safety, try not to sweat the details and instead enjoy the
time with what can now be a surprise

7. Stop Trying to Tie Him Down

As a way of ensuring security within the relationship, often at times women tend to demand long term
commitments. There is of course
nothing wrong with wanting a secure lasting relationship, however you must
bear in mind that by tying him down,
you too will be tied down to a man, you may not even love five years from
now. We all change and evolve as
individuals and though the notion of growing old with someone or of marrying your high school sweetheart may seen enticing, it isn’t for everyone. So give yourself time and also him. To strengthen your relationship and eliminate the sense of insecurity, talk to your partner and
together figure out a way to make you feel more secure.

8. Stop Cheating

There are no restrictions on ones
thoughts and there shouldn’t be. To think freely is a basic right that we enjoy. However to act upon your thoughts is a very different story entirely.

Relationships go through difficult phases and it’s during those phases
that we tend to be susceptible, a little insecure and sometimes unhappy. If
that is the case, talk to your partner. In
case you want something different
that your current relationship cannot
give you, then have courage and break
it off. If not, then do not break the
trust you and partner share, for a
moment’s weakness or on an impulse. It’s absolutely imperative that you treat
your partner the way you want your
partner to treat you. So be loyal.

9. Stop Making His Decisions

We all like to have a certain degree of say in our partner’s choices and
decisions. It makes one feel special and important, but many times we can
overdo. Remember how it feels when
someone interferes with your decision
making? When mama always wants you to wear the dress she chooses? Exactly. Don’t make his
decisions for him
Thats all for now, lets make it interactive —

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