Remeber this creature of God that is both a plant and an animal?

God is so wonderful! Exploring the world of science makes me always discover how wonderful he is. My brain just flashed back to sencondary school biology, there is a creature of God which is both a plant and and animal!
euglena viridis
The diagram above is that ofEuglena Viridis! The organism has both characteristics of plants and also that of animals, and of which i would mention but a few.
Proofs that Euglena is a plant
1. Presence of chloroplast— This is the subsctance that contains chlorophyl which green plants use in producing their own food.
2. Presence of vacuoles— It posesses large vacuoles eg food vacuole, contractile vacuole etc.

Proofs that Euglena is an Animals
1. Flagellum— This feature is used for locomotion (ie movement)
2.Eyespot or Stigma— This is the feature which Euglena uses to see.
God is wonderful! Science is fun! Drop a comment if you know another feature of Euglena Viridis

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