Why most dating dating doesn't lead to happy marriage

You know life is what you actually make out of it. Today i would want to talk about love and dating, yea you knw this often leads to marriage.

I would want to share with you two mistakes ladies make, which causes dating not to become marriage and when it does it doesn't lead to a happy one.

Non councelled

Councelling is a means where one learns what he doesn't. When you avoid councelling before marriage, you make the following mistakes.

1. Once you start courting, everyone but the man becomes and enermy.

2. You focus more on the wedding more than the marriage. In this case you would be so carried away planning how you and your courting partner would have a wedding even when he hasn't proposed.

Living with him when he hasn't married you

Most ladies make do this as a normal thing over and over again. Here are some reasons why ladies should avoid it.

1. Men and women have different ideas about what living together
means; Women typically see it as an inevitable step toward marriage, while men see it as a no-obligation "test drive".

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2. You all know the expression,
"Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?". Living together results in regular, no-strings sex for a man, thus removing the sexual motivation that is part of a marriage proposal.

3. Living together doesn't means that a man have to pursue his girlfriend any longer. If something is too easily acquired, it just doesn't hold the same value as something that is gotten more challenging.

4. He has no interest on taking things to the next level because it reduces his motives on making the formal commitment of marriage within a reasonable time, which often causes women to feel frustrated and get stuck in a cycle of hope and disappointment.

5. Living together takes the excitement out of being newlyweds. Being a new
bride and moving in with your husband to start a life and perhaps a family with those shiny new rings on your fingers to show the world your commitment, is a wonderful experience that many women still hope for, but thats impossible when she is already living with him all the while.

6. Living together does not depict a long-term compatibility
or marital success. In fact, couples
who live together before marriage
divorce at higher rates.

7. Many unmarried couples who have children end up staying
together. On the other hand, some unmarried couples who have children never end up together. In other words, a child's chances of living in the same home as his
or her biological but non-married parents until he or she is a teenager is negligible.

Think about this. I pray you get a blissfull marriage— all the ladies.
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