How to use the google search engine without a network connection

The major problems most people have on their mobiles is Data. You know, data is very important for us to stay upto date on almost & everything, that is the main reason i deceided to share this little tutorial with you guys.

At the end of this tutorial, you would be able to get google search results on whatever you search even without network connection. Some would call it free browsing, i call it getting google search results without network connection.

Simply goto your message platform on your phone, just any phone. Create a new message, in the topic box input whatever you want to search eg. How i became a webmaster—Gozkybrain and send it to this number 9773300000 . Your message would be sent free and you would receive a reply from google about your search. It would contain about 5-7 search results about what you searched. It works on All phones even non browsing phones.

☺You like it? Then try it out. Give us your results or any complains you might want to share

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