ATM hacker - Olamilekan caught and burnt to death

H*cking into someone's bank account has happened to be one of the trending crimes. From my researches it has been provben to be rather easy excluding the dangers involved.

silver laptop
Yesterday, 25th April; a young man who later identified himself as Olamilekan Akanbi was apprehended by angry mob for hacking into a bank's Atm.

The 24years undergraduate said he had had the knowlege and had been involved in the crime one time in the past, well today happened to be his unlucky day.

Read here to see how he hacked the bank ATM

Olamilaken had skillfully withdrawn the money he wanted, but luck ran out on him when his card refused to be re-ejected. Olamilekan began to panic and brought out a piece of paper from his pocket and began to go through it.

Well the people waiting on the Long line ran out of patience. An elderly man who identified him self as Abdulahi Mustapha moved up to Olamilekan.

"I saw the young man reading something from a piece of paper but on seeing me he hid the paper, i asked him why he was taking so long but he didbn't reply. I saw that his had no ATM card and that was when he saidhis card was stuck in the machine. I tried calling the security but he objected, he even wanted to leave the card there. I saw a nylon bag besides him and i wanted to check what was with it, he blocked me with both hands and his piece of paper fell out."" reported Abdulahi

The paper was reported by Abdulahi to contain a description on how to obtain money from an ATM.

"The young man snatched the paper from me and ran off but the mob caught him and started interogating him" said Abdulahi

The young man was apprehended by the mob and that was where they got his name, and age. That was the only information he gave oyt. He refused to hand over the paper, and the crowd started beating him. It was a saturday and the evening made it impossible for the security to save him.

I deceided not to withdraw any more because of the chois but when i later came back to get an apple, i saw people gathered round a flamed. Someone told me they later burnt him, i was dumbfounded.

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