How to Forget about your ex easily written by BrainFavvy
image loading...When there s no chance of rekindling the romance you once had, sometimes
you' re left with only one choice: Move on. After reading Gozkybrain's related articles » 5 Times its cool to give your ex a 2nd chance and 5 Times you should never re-date your ex, i had to do this one too.
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Here are 10 ways to help you forget about him and move on:
1. Change Your Frame Of Mind » Our minds are so incredibly powerful that you can control your thinking, even when you think you can t. He s holding important space in your mind, and it s time to kick him out! He s no longer welcomed anymore.
2. Close The Door » When you start to think of him, visualize a beautiful, large red door and slam it firmly closed. Then immediately change your thoughts to something fun, relaxing and/or positive. You are in control, and you re choosing positivity.
3. Stop Social Media Snooping » You can t watch him on social media to see what he s doing or who he s with. Social media makes everyone look happy, so this will only hurt you! Block him so it s not even a temptation.
4. Don t Ask Friends For Updates » Hearing what he s doing with his new woman or friends is just a way to hurt yourself and prolong the pain, so stop asking.
5. No Drive-Bys » Stay away from his house. No late night drive-bys to see who s there. Out of sight, out of mind.
6. Delete His Contact Informations » Erase his numbers and email from your phone (and all electronics), just in case you re tempted to try to contact him in a weak moment. Stay strong. You can do this!
7. Stop Talking About Him » You can discuss the ordeal with your friends when it happens, but do not keep rehashing it. If you feel the need to understand it better, counseling is a great way to deal with this.
8. Keep Busy » Push yourself to get out and be with your friends, family or start something new. Try a new hobby exercising, group activities, anything that keeps your mind occupied.
9. Journal Writing is very therapeutic and helps you heal. » It s important to journal the negative experiences because our minds have a way of only remembering the good times when we re lonely.
10. Use Positive Affirmations Daily » Every morning and evening give yourself affirmations to build your self-esteem. We project our feelings to others, so use positive thoughts to attract healthy people into your life.
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