What is Palpitation? Home Remedies for Palpitations.

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1. Palpitation is a noticeably rapid, strong, or irregular heartbeat due to agitation, exertion, or illness.
2. A heart palpitation is the sensation that your heart has skipped a beat or added an extra beat.
3. Palpitations is the feeling that happens when someone feels an abnormality in the normal beating of the heart.
Often the cause of your heartpalpitations can't be found, you could have palpitations when lying down, palpitations after eating, palpitations due to anxiety, palpitations during pregnancy, etc.
Best Home Remedies For Palpitations

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image loading...Deep Breathing Exercises » These exercises help inreducing stress and anxiety, helping in slowing down heart rate and reduce palpitations. Whenever you feel palpitations, start any deep breathing exercise. After 3-4 minutes you will feel the difference. You need to be patient since concentrating on your breath becomes really difficult during palpitations.
image loading...Splash Cold Water On Face » Splash some cold water on your face whenever you feel the palpitations. You can also take a cold shower which helps in shocking your body and resets the normal rhythm of the heart. If you have a tendancy to catch a cold, do not try this remedy!
image loading...Guava In Empty Stomach » It is good to have a guava everyday early in the morning, preferably in empty stomach. Guava offers a soothing effect, helps in digestion and offers relief from palpitation attacks.
image loading...Fresh Grape Juice » Those who suffer from frequent palpitations should have a cup of fresh grape juice every day. Fresh grape juice helps in offering relief from palpitations as it sets the heart rhythm in a short time.
image loading...Glass Of Honey And Lemon Juice » A glass of honey and lemon juice every morning and at the time of going to bed helps in reducing the frequency of palpitations. It helps in better blood flow and circulation.
image loading...Active Lifestyle » It is good to have an active lifestyle since sedentary lifestyle causes poor circulation of blood which affects the functioning of heart later. It is important to be involved in many physical activities like cycling, swimming and different kinds of outdoor sports which help to keep the heart healthy and reduce palpitations.

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image loading...Practice Meditation And Yoga » Incorporating yoga and meditation in your everyday life helps in controlling palpitations as it calms down the mind and body. Practising yoga and meditation on a regular basis helps in increasing mental strength and offers relief from stress which is often a cause of palpitations.
image loading...Cough Hard To Reset Heart Rhythm » Coughing helps in resetting the rhythm of the heart and often works well to reduce palpitations. One forceful cough is often enough to offer relief and sets the heart rhythm at a comfortable level.
You need to remember that these are all temporary measures to get relief from palpitations. If the condition does not improve, it is advised to get in touch with your Doctor as soon as possible.
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Credits: Natural Home Remedies.

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