3 Reasons Why You Have Not Found A Man

3 Reasons Why You Have Not Found A Man I could have as well be writing this article for men,
but then we all know men do not find it so difficult
to find a woman, infact the problem with some men
is how to stay with one woman, so i will be doing
my female readers who want to stop being single
and seem not to be having a head way around that a favor, in this very short and concise article i will
show you 3 obvious reasons why you have not
found a man, and if you happen to find out that
none of the 3 reasons applies to you, well, i may
have to invite you to my church (just kidding). lets
get down into it.
1. The first reason why i feel you have not found a
man to call your own is this You Actually Want To Be Alone, yes you read me right, you want to be alone, sometimes when certain things happen to us
its because somewhere in our minds, we want to it
to be so, you see ..As a man (woman) thinks in his
heart so is he (she), think well about it, how much
do you want to have a man in your life? i
understand you don't want to come across as a desperate lady and i understand, but you are over
doing it, in your bid not to seem desperate you
have completely knocked out the desire to have a
man in your life, anyone telling singing in your ears
that you don't need a man in your life is only
singing to you an evil song, yes believe me, you as a woman was created to need a man, created to be
craved by a man, so get down from your high
horse and stop wanting to be alone, every time that
young man tries to chat you up, you shut him
down, its high time you opened up.

2. The second reason on my list is this You don’t Really Know How to Attract the Right One for You, do i need to remind you that you are a woman and you are the one that need to do the positioning
while the man do the finding, don't get that
statement twisted okay, how you position yourself
will determine the kind of man that will find you, i
am saying this because it's possible some men
actually look your way and want your attention but they just seem to be wrong kind of men and that is
as bad as not having men talk to you at all, because
i will never suggest you go for just any man
because you don't want to be alone, perhaps you
need to go out more, the right man wont come
knocking on your day out of the blues, except you want to date your family friend though, you need
to go out so the right man can see you, dress more
appropriately, your crazy girl dressing seem to be
attracting only crazy men to you, also you need to
be sure of what you want and start acting like it,
you want a serious a relationship and not a one night stand? then let it show in your actions, you
don't give a man everything on the first date and
expect him to stay with you on the long term, sorry
dear you already sold your self cheap on the short
term. 3. Number three reason on my list why you have
not found a man (if you need one), and this is in no
wise the least reason, You Don't Know What Attracts Men To You, don't give me that confused look, everyone has a selling point, not that you
have anything on sale per say, but everyone has
that thing that makes people like them, so you
need to identify what attracts men to you,
identifying what attracts men to you will help you a
great deal in attracting the right man, if men are only attracted to you because of your front and
your backside, then you can be sure that will be the
only thing they would want when they get close to
you, there must be physical attraction no doubt but
it shouldn't be the only thing that attracts men to
you, but then if you've got very ample front and backside perhaps you need to be a little a more
reserved in how tightly you squeeze them into your
clothes. There are no hard and fast rules to attracting the
right man, in the end even the best relationships
still go through tough times, so its really not about
having a perfect man, its about being the perfect
woman (which you cant be, as long you still in the
flesh), so open your eyes, open your mind and pray to God, if you believe in Him (I hope you do)
and He will definitely give you the best that you
remember to share the article, the right man may
just see it on your timeline.

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