How to maintain a strong relationship

... as scripted by BrainFavvy
After reading one of the articles by Brain !’ Silly mistakes women make in a relationship, i decieded to share this one.
This post is dedicated to all the women and ladies all over the world, here are the things we must know about relationships inorder to maintain a happy one.
* When you keep calm as a lady, you drive him crazy, keeping him thinking that there is some thing perculiar about you.
* When he sends you abusive message, do not reply back with abusive word, if you must reply. Rather write "I'm sorry". Or thank you.
* No man likes to be talked back at. If you must be a wife material, just shut up. When he is calm, talk things over.
* Don't be arrogant, be humble .
* Don't be carried away by your beauty, have you not seen beautiful ladies that are still single till date? Your character keep him.
* Do not compare him with your EX as there are thousand of other ladies out there. Forget about the past, old things have passed away.
* Don't always be at the recieving end, buy him something, no matter how little it is, whether he has thousands of it, just buy it, yours is unique.
* Be industrious, men like ladies with industrious mind.
* Respect him and his family members.
* Be a good cook, learn how to cook something. Some ladies can only cook noodles #smh.
* Call him when you have credit, don't be a chronic flasher. Don't always wait for him to call.
* Value yourself, and he will value you.
* Becuase he doesn't have today does not make him poor, look at what drives Him.
* Look out, if he is a time waster or he is for real.
* Can he "fight" both physically and spiritually for you?
*Where is He? In God's presence or on the other side.
* If he stammers, when he is introducing you to friends and family member; Run!
* What you can't change in HiM, now that you are dating, am sorry in marriage you won't be able to change it either, or you will spend the rest of your life trying to change him.
* You are dating and he punches you at every slightest misunderstanding. Sorry, when you marry him, your bed room will be a "changing room" and your sitting-room a "boxing Ring".
* Every little time, he threatens to break up with you. You start crying, if you leave me i will die. Taaaaa. who told you? A better person who will value you is coming. Relax!
* Above all. Ask yourself! What is GOD saying about the Relationship?
With this your relationship would be blissfull, but you gat know no relationship is perfect but a happy one is better. Share what you know.
Author - BrainFavvy

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