Can i beat a Lady without touching her? Yes!

Many men have been accused of laying hands on their wife without waiting to hear the man's side of the story. Th'o there is no justify reasons for any man to beat his wife or girlfriend but since women are often out of control and guys often get irritated, i found this useful. There are remarkable ways a man can beat his wife/girlfriend without actual physical assault.
Man and Woman argement
Do not think it is by not giving her money - absolutely no! The basic truth is a man that cannot provide for his wife and children materially is worth than someone without faith and is not fit to be referred to as a man. So how then can you beat her without touching her? Thats where i'm going. RELATED: How to know a girl wants you to woo her.
How to Beat your Lady without touching her
* If she stops cooking just to punish you, it should never bother you. You should do the cooking. If you are a guy that cannot cook, so sorry for you. The only thing you can do is to buy fast food outside, bring it home and eat in front of her. To make her feel jealous, you can play love songs while eating the food.
* You can also visit the restaurant with your children leaving your wife behind. If you don't have a child yet or are not yet married, just hang out with your friends where you know she would be around and while everyone is leaving with their Bae, tell'em your sister is accompanying you (wink). Don't go with your side chick 'cos you don't want to loose your woman, its just to make her feel bad.
* Play with your children and also take them to recreational centres leaving her behind. If she is your girlfriend you can take her friends and siblings out. Allow her to get dressed before telling her you aint going out with her, then don't let her say anything just keep commending on her siblings dress then go out with'em.
RELATED: Things Guys say as backups when they are caught cheating.
* When both of you are together, pretend as if you're chatting with your female colleagues in a way that reminds her of the good times. Pretend as if you don't notice or feel her presence. Make sure you don't send 'I love you' so as not to loose your woman, and once in a while make her see the chats. Maybe leave the phone on the sofa and go to get a drink and stay long so the other person texts.
* When you noticed that she is remorseful or sober then it time to reconcile and live happily again. Remember that it's part of the game.
Hope this peice gives you what you wanted, i know it does. Got it from Remmytrendy and deceided to share it with you guys, share what you know.

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