Foods that suprisingly have high sugar

All my friendsàI got 3mails from our email followers last week,showing an interest in weight reduction. After a little chat with 'em, I saw that a few of them apart from their habit of consuming fatty and high calorie foods, were also dealing excessively in foods that contains sugar and they do not know.
One thing that nutritionist in America have agreed upon is that Americans consume a lot of sugars. While America seems to have been labelled with this due to the fact that they have proper documentation, other countries are not left out. In fact some other countries are high consumer of sugar without them knowing due to lack of information and documentation. Obesity is taking the rise in our nation and asides planning healthy diet, we must expose foods that appear not to contain sugars but are indeed loaded with a lot of them in order to ensure that people choose to consume them sparingly.
I made a little research online, and here are 6foods that suprisingly contain high sugar:
TOMATO KETCHUP» It is common for people to enjoy consuming tomato ketchup while believing they had excluded sugar from their diets. Most of the common tomato ketchups during processing had been added some form sugars that can be said to be high enough when regularly consumed for those under a low sugar diet. Tomato paste is best when it is made completely at home. There you can determine whatever ingredients you need to include that soothe your health.
YOGURT » Yogurt has generally been seen as a healthy dairy option as it contains healthy bacteria that help digestion. Yes it is. However, most commonly sold yogurt especially the fruity types are loaded with sugars to sweeten it. It will be advisable to opt for plain yoghurt which contains naturally occurring sugars. Yoghurt contains all the benefits you will derive from milk, most of lactose has been converted to lactic acid by enzyme. This will enable people who are not tolerant to it benefit from the nutrients in them.
ALCOHOL » If only those who consume many bottles of alcohol know the excessive amounts of sugars in it, they will definitely reduce or quit. Many people have the impression that only things that are sweet contain sugar. If you are one of such people, think again. The high amount of sugar present in alcoholic drinks is often overlooked. Asides triggering diabetes, damage to the liver and poor dental health has also been noticed amount consumers. Alcohol also damages the brain by killing dendrites making communication between brain cells slow and difficult.

DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS » When people indulge in canned fruits they are battling with more than just the high amount of sugar found naturally in the fruit. When the production steps are carried out, the natural sugars are reduced while eliminating most of the vital nutrients. What such food manufacturing company does is to add sugar syrups of different kinds to make them sweet to taste but less friendly to your body in reality.

SALAD DRESSING » My mum used to include slad to my diet, because it seem healthy but as i grew i began to detest the dressings on it. Many salad dressings are high in sugars with most consumers unaware. If you must consume them check their labels.
No Ft Foods
NO-FAT FOODS » This is one trick manufacturers use to attract buyer who are hoping to lose weight. Fat has been labelled as the bad guy in many nutrition articles. While I sometimes agree with this claim, there is no reason to remove the fat completely from foods. When this is done, sugar is used to augment fat loss. Please, learn to check the labels.
Sugar in food either contributes to blood sugar level or adds more calories to your body, making you gain more weight. Whichever it is, it is still bad for our body when they start getting too much nobody wants Diabetes or Obesity. You just need to watch it. Share what you know

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