How to make a guy love you

... as scripted by CutieeBrain
Most at times, girls wonder what to say to a guy in a conversation, but there s a lot more than just words that matter when you want him to like you back.

I'm dedicating this post to my naughty friend Judith who Once tried to woo my brother Bezzy but she couldn't, guess she didn't have the right words or move.
Knowing how to talk to a guy can be the difference between being a lady who draws guys and an annoying girl who doesn t get any attention. Now you don t really need to know how to talk to a guy only to impress one guy. Really, making a guy like you isn t just about impressing one single guy. After all, every guy likes a girl who is popular, fun and desired by all guys.
So if you really want to make a guy like you and become popular, you need to know these facts.
Guys like all girls, but they like a few girls a lot more. » And guys like these girls more because they make the guy feel special. Learn how to talk to a guy and make him like you and you ll see the difference.
Smile often » The next time you re talking to a guy you like, smile more often. Giggle at his jokes, smile now and then for no particular reason and bring that sparkle in your eyes. After all, when you re happy, it shows. And no guy can resist a girl with a beautiful laugh!
Be coy and graceful » Through the ages, women have loved chivalrous men, and men have loved graceful, and coy women. Now, there s a big difference between being a shy timid girl and a girl who s coy. Even to this day, guys love coy, graceful girls. So be that one. Twiddle your hair when you re being thoughtful, have your own cute expressions, blink twice instead of just once every time you close your eyes. All these make you very lovable and aww-so-cute! Learn to be a lady, and the guys will love to become your knight in shining armor.
Touch him » Men have always been drawn to the gentle, tender touch of a girl. Even scientific research has shown that guys involuntarily start showing more interest and flirt more with girls who touch them in the middle of a conversation. Occasionally, touch his fore arm or place your palm on the edge of his shoulder, or any other place that would be appropriate for casual touches, and you ll see how his interest in you would grow in no time.
Seek his protection » Throughout evolution, men have always been the hunters and the protectors while women have been the farmers and the foragers. When you rekindle this primal instinct in a guy, he would appreciate it and love it. Reach out and hold his arm while crossing the street, smile shyly and ask him if he can hold a heavy book for a minute, hold his hand as a big, scary dog comes near you, etc. You know the works, make him feel like your protector. And he ll want to be by your side all the time.
Don't bith other girls who use fowl languages » Now if you re Debra Morgan, that s a whole new story because she knows how to be vulnerable, cry and be strong and independent at the same time. But for all other girls, try to avoid using bad language all the time. Additionally, don t bitch about other girls or speak nastily about coworkers and passersby when you re walking on a street.
Be mysterious » Guys find mysterious girls a tad annoying, but they can t help falling in love with them. You don t need to tell a guy you re with every single emotion or thought that s going through you. If you re looking lost or if he catches you smiling to yourself, and asks you about it, you can just tell him it s nothing. Don t reveal everything that goes on in your mind or you ll just become boring. A note of caution though, you can t do this to your boyfriend.
Hope you find this interesting, i know you did. Stay updated @ with the right informations and share what you know.
Author - CutieeBrain

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