Can pawpaw seeds be eaten? Yes!

Usually, most seeds of crops and fruits appear completely inedible but unknown to many, a few of these seeds are loaded with numerous health benefits.
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Pawpaw, botanically known as Carica papaya is a popular fruit consumed not only in Nigeria but across the entire globe. For me, no other fruit eases the pains of constipation more than papaya. I can not but remember a day when my girl was seriously constipated and she called me for advise. I did not think twice to tell her to have a servings of pawpaw about the size sold for N50.The next morning it was her call I received. She was so grateful beyond measure. She said she just left the bathroom. No doubt, papaya flesh which is extremely high in vitamin C, folate, potassium, vitamin A and dietary fiber can do such magic but make sure it is ripe!
Having said that while many people only consume the pulp of pawpaw, virtually everyone I know throw away all the seeds. In fact some have claimed to hate the sight of it. The black coloured seeds have the power to improve your immunity to illnesses and diseases. It also helps in detoxification of your body system. According to researches, the seeds are high in fat and protein and a good source of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
How To Consume The Papaya Seeds
Unknown to many, papaya seeds can be eaten directly but I do not indulge in it because it is slightly bitter with a spicy peppery flavour. To benefit from the health loaded seeds, I add one or two table spoons of it into a dice portion of the pulp of papaya and blend until completely juicy.
Sometimes, depending on how I want it to taste, I include some slices of pineapple. In certain countries, they are added to salads, soup or any dish acting as a substitute for black pepper but in moderation.
Caution About Papaya Seeds
Pawpaw pulp itself has short coming especially in the diet of a pregnant woman as it is known to trigger miscarriages in certain women. While this remains a fact for the pulp, one should be cautious with the consumption of the seeds as there is no record of the amount which may trigger any form of toxicity in humans.
Although, a portion of it is no doubt helpful but there is growing concern as papaya seeds contains a compound; Benzyl isothiocyanate which induces toxicological damage in animals at very high doses according to the December 2003 issue of Life Sciences. Research presented in the February 2010 issue of the Journal of Ethnopharmacology .
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