Things guys say when they are caught cheating

Here are 8 things guys say when they are caught cheating. Specially dedicated to girls, to a help them from further breakups.
.... as scripted by BrainFavvy
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1. “She is like my sister”
By now the girl knows that her boyfriend deserves a high five in his face. Sister? Really? Can someone get so mean? Who gets on the couch or bed with someone ‘like sister’? Guys, this is a dangerous stunt. But Yet, it is unfortunate that guys mostly use this excuse to run away from the situation after getting caught.
3. “I was learning some new moves to please you”
You feel confused as what to say next. You feel like laughing at the stupidity of your own choice. Seriously guys? This is the second best thing you can say or use as an excuse, the first one being point 1. Guys, are you so dumb that you think your girl will buy it? If she can catch you cheating on her, then she is smart enough not to believe these stupid excuses. Please think of a better excuse next time.
3. “Give me one last chance, please”
Okay, so this might make you think twice, or even more. When a guy says words like ‘please’ or ‘sorry’, it is likely that they really mean it. A guy asking for a last chance or another chance is a rare situation, but when he does that, it clearly means he wants you.
4. “…but she is my best friend’s girlfriend.”
So what are you doing with her huh? Giving proxy in your best friend’s absence? Girls, this is absolute nonsense. Guys have a bro-code, like we girls have our BFF (Best Friends Forever) code. And it is the rarest of rare situation when a guy will break that code. It is like an unsaid rule that a guy just CANNOT date his bestie’s girl. Do not believe when your guy says that. It is just some random girl that he has picked up and now trying to hide his mistake. You should know it is time to break up.
5. “She was trying to seduce me…”
Blablabla! If she was trying to seduce you guy, then why was your guy on top of her? Or why did he just simply not walk away from there? Or is your guy such a freak that he cannot control himself and gets excited by the mere presence of a girl? Girls, if your guy uses this as an excuse, do not forget to backfire at them. Ask him why would he get seduced at all if he was so much in love with you? Leave him then and there to keep getting seduced by anybody.
6. “I don’t owe you any explanation”
When the ‘criminal’ mind cannot think of any better excuses, it comes up with the harsh truth. But guys, you do owe an explanation to the girl who is heart broken because of you. Just the day before, you claimed that her heart was yours and all those mushy mushy talks. And within a day you don’t owe her an explanation? This line is generally said when the guy was not so much into the relationship thing and is smart enough to know that this is the end of what you people shared.
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7. “I was just trying to help her…..”
What are you, Father Teresa? Okay, it is good to help others, but in their bedroom?! Girls, make sure when you argue after this line is thrown at you by your ‘cheating’ boyfriend. Any thing you say can be used against you and you will end up getting a lecture from your guy on how pathetic you are that you think helping others is a crime. So ask him what category of ‘help’ was that?
8. “I don’t even know who she is”
I swear you don't, you just go around with this girl and get caught in some “wrong” position, and all you could come up with is that you don’t know the girl?? What were you doing inside the theater or in her room then? Trying to know her?
See, after you get caught, it is most unlikely that your girl will sort out things with you. So better tell the truth. Or at least think of a decent excuse, a more believable one!
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Authour - BrainFavvy

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