Things ladies do when they want to snatch their friend's BF

When the bush meat starts hunting the hunters, then the generation of hunters is in great danger. Well that’s exactly what is trending nowadays as boyfriend snatching activities is increasing at an alarming rate.
Snatch a boyfriend
Ladies perform voracious acts to steal their friend’s boyfriends at any cost without considering the consequences, some of which i'd share with you.→
Consultation Of Herbalists
Some ladies are so desperate that they seek herbalists for spiritual assistance to help snatch their friends’ boyfriends. The guy in question has no choice other than to dance to her tune.
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Just because men are moved by what they see, those who want to snatch their friends’ boyfriends dress half n*ked, give close marking, act seductively (bosom brushing him, etc) and show sexual green light. They eventually nutmeg the dude after successful implementation of seduction.:P
Mid-Night visitation
This is best time these category of ladies unleash their snatching prowess.
She visits him in the middle of the night saying she can’t sleep alone in her room due to loneliness and need to pass the night at his place.
“Room wey she don dey sleep for the past one year? Ifa hear lonliness”.
Notice Me Attitude
When her friend’s boyfriend is around, that’s when she starts acting awkward. She starts cat walking unnecessarily and will be talking about her taste in fashion and all that.
She Bad Mouth Her Friend To Her Boyfriend
She talks about how her friend flirts around with her male suitors. She will further tell him to promise her that he should not let her friend know that she was the one that actually told him. This is a bid to make the guy have her hated.
Labels her as a notorious gold digger
She discusses privately with the dude telling him her friend is just after his money, and how she has been duping guys in exchange of her kitty-cat. She will further advise him never to rely on her and find someone else. Guess she is that someone else.
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She acts like holy mary
It works for some th'o, those who think he'ld get attracted to them 'cox of she is holy. They camouflage under the pretence of holy Mary by stylishly preaching the word of God and inviting him to church programme. This act is peculiar to churches as she takes “brother Jude” to sexual journey during private evangelism. “If I hear say na God word she dey share”
She becomes a monitoring spirit
The consequence of excessive stalking may result to her becoming a monitoring spirit. She monitors his movement and activities like someone using periscope to view planetary bodies. Obsession overshadow her mental faculty as the guy becomes her course of study. It might make some guys fall for her, but not someone of my type. I'ld easily get pissed off and tell her, serious.
She goes for cooking seminar
Yoruba people say “olobe lo loko”. Which means A lady who can prepare sweet delicacy owns a husband. This is why she goes for several training on cooking and applying it where necessary to steal her friend’s boyfriend. But how will he ever eat her food if her 'rival' is not loose on her man.
Sugar mummy mechanism
Due to her financially stability, she use this as a bait to lure her colleague’s boyfriend by purchasing his favourite items after research activities has been carried out. She provide every avenue to make life comfortable for the guy more than his present girlfriend.
I don't have a girl. Ladies, contact me and try to steal me please. Feel free to use any of the above methods to steal me, but don't use the babalawo method please

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