[health] The world's most painful diseases

You tought HIV/AIDS is probably the number one worse disease in the world but its not. HIV is just what kills your imune system and make you fall for other diseases. Here are the most painful diseases.

Cluster Headache: A neurological disorder with severe headaches typically near the eye, Cluster Headache is often said to be the most painful disease. The ache is mostly at one side of the head with nasal congestion, eye watering, and eye inflammation as the accompanying symptoms. Under this condition a group of headache attacks occur together giving it the name ‘Cluster’ headache. The cause and cure of the disease is unknown till now though it can be prevented sometimes and the acute attacks treated. The most recurrent cause however was observed to be tobacco smoking. Often confused with Migraine, Cluster Headache is also commonly known as Suicide Headache; the pain associated with it so severe that people suffering with are often driven to taking their own life.

Kidney Stones: It is the aggregation of the dietary minerals from the urine in the forming stones on the kidneys. The cause of Kidney stones is generally dehydration, high Sodium or Calcium content in the blood.

Shingles: Caused by the varicella-zoster virus that is the cause of Chicken Pox, Shingles is basically the infection of a nerve and the skin around it. It is characterized by a crop of blisters on one side of the body, especially around the waistline. The pain associated with it is tingling or burning which is inflamed even with the slightest touch around the region or just a breeze wafting over it. Complications like postherepetic neuralgia where the pain lasts months after the rashes are gone can arise from Shingles.

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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CPRS): It is an abnormal neural response to an injury in which a person develops a chronic burning pain in any of their limbs post-injury. The injury by all means can be minor, but watch out for the pain that will blow your sense of minor and major out of proportion. The skin of the affected body part becomes highly sensitive and a slightest change around it (like variation in temperature, slight touch, etc) will cause intense pain.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia: It is a neuropathic disorder that is characterized by a series of intense pain in the face. It is often described as lightening strikes on the face. One of the most painful conditions known to human ailment, Trigeminal Neuralgia is generally caused due to the pressure on the Trigeminal Nerve which is the largest nerve in the skull.

Endometriosis: is a common condition where the tissue that exclusively lines the inside of the womb starts growing outside the womb reaching the ovaries, fallopian tubes and even the intestine.

Peritonitis: It is an inflammation of the thin tissue that lines most of the abdominal organs. This infection may be cause by the rupture of a hollow organ as it is in the case of appendicitis.

Dercums Disease: Adipose Dolorosa or Dercum’s disease is a rare and painful condition in which a series of benign tumors composed of adipose tissue are developed on body parts like upper arms, upper legs and on the trunk. These tumors, also known as lipomas are extremely painful. Dercum’s disease is often mistaken with obesity due to the fatty lumping seen on the body but it is much more than that. The cause of this disease is unknown but it is proposed to be dysfunctional nervous system, mechanical pressure on nerves, adipose tissue dysfunction and trauma.
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