How to look younger than your age

I talked about the various signs of aging that you will see which include wrinkles, freckles, age spots, spider veins on the face, rough and leathery skin, fine wrinkles that disappear when stretched, loose skin, a blotchy complexion and so on. I will now discuss how you can prevent early aging.

fresh face
Normal Aging of Skin: Collagen, Elastin, and Sagging Skin
Underlying our skin is a fiber meshwork of collagen and elastin — proteins that keep skin firm.
When skin is stretched, this protein matrix snaps it back into place. This fiber meshwork weakens as we age thereby giving us the wrinkles and sagging of the skin we see. These changes are not supposed to be visible to the naked eye until we are of age thus a need to prevent aging early.

Preventive Measures

* Avoid excess exposure to the sun-
This is the greatest cause of aging. Try to stay out of the sun between the hours of 10am to 3pm. If unavoidable, women can wear brim hats. Whenever you need to go out in the sun, use sunscreens with good SPF i.e sun protection factor. Apply it 20-30 minutes before stepping out in the sun. There are a stores that sell such products including Jumia. Also make sure you cover yourself as much as possible when stepping into the sun.

Read now: More causes of aging

* Quit Smoking-
Apart from the many well documented ill-effects of smoking on the body, smoking also causes premature aging of the skin mainly by reducing blood supply and nourishment to the skin. This makes the skin lose its elasticity and moisture. Also while smoking, some repetitive actions like squinting to protect the eyes from aggressive fumes and constantly dragging the cigarette fumes into his/her mouth causes wrinkles over time at the corners of the eyes and the mouth. So go see a therapist and quit smoking.

Adjust your sleeping position-
I know this would be a bit difficult but the truth is you need to do it. The best sleeping position is to sleep face-up. You also need to get adequate sleep; an average of 7hours a day.

Other Preventive Measures Include;

-Drink a lot of water daily

-Avoid worrying and stressing yourself, Be happy

-Eat healthy and balanced diets

-Always use a moisturizer to prevent your skin from getting dry

-Avoid over-washing your face

-Exercise daily

-Try and add vitamin A, B, E to your diet or eat a lot of fruits
try these out and see just how young you'd keep looking. Share what you know.

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