How to know you are expecting a heart attack

No one, not even a Kid would say he hasn't heard of a hearth attack. Heart attack also known as heart failure is the commonest cause of sudden death. The incidence rate is increasing by the day so I deceided we all need to understand the subject matter the more.

The body gives out different signs to indicate that the heart might shutdown. Sometimes we do not understand these signs but we need to understand these signs so as to fight them early thus giving us a chance at survival.

Heart attack

Signs of Impending Heart Attack
With these signs one should know he is having a hearth attack case close by→

1. Extreme fatigue

In the days or even weeks before a heart attack, more than 70% of women experience debilitating, flu-like exhaustion. One may suddenly feel too tired to cook dinner or lift a laptop, you can imagine.

2. Mild pain

Rather than the elephant on the chest, women may feel less severe pain and not always in the region of the heart. Pressure can occur in the breastbone, upper back, shoulders, neck, or jaw.

3. Profuse sweating

You may find yourself suddenly drenched in perspiration for no apparent reason, or your face may be pale or ashen.

4. Nausea or dizziness

Prior to a heart attack, women often have indigestion or even vomit. You may also feel like you’re about to pass out ☺.

5. Breathlessness

Almost 58% of women report panting or inability to carry on a conversation because they couldn’t catch their breath.

6. Sleeplessness

Nearly half of women have trouble falling asleep or wake up during the night in the weeks before a coronary.

7. Anxiety

“Many women experience a sense of impending doom or fear before a heart attack,” says Dr. Legato, though experts don’t necessarily understand why. Nevertheless, it’s real and it matters. “That’s your body telling you to pay attention. Trust those instincts,” she advises.

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Common Factors that puts one at risk of a Heart Attack

There are various risks that make one more susceptible to heart attacks. These factors are generally lifestyle based. These common risk factors include→

* Aging

* Smoking

* Genetic conformation

* Diabetes

* High blood pressure

* Lack of physical activity

* Obesity

* Chronic kidney disease

* Excessive alcohol Intake

* Use of cocaine and other addictive drugs

so stay safe, and be health. More health tips @

Source — doctorsays

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