How to create home made power bank

At the emergence of this fuel scarcity, the largest selling gadget in the electronic market is the power bank.
power bank
You all will agree with me that once a particular comodity's deman is high, the price tends to increase too — economics students.
So today i'd want to teach you how to create your own home made power bank, at the end of this post you should have learnt how to charge your phones or devices without electricity.
Related: How to use a generating set without fuel
An original Nokia Battery, a usb wire that can charge your phone or device, and cellotapes.
How to create one
Take the usb wire, cut out the park where you usually to put into the other port when charging. Cut it into two parts and collect the two colored wires in them. One of the wire shud be you - and the second is your +. From your - wire, peel out the rubber coating to get the copper wires, also do same for the + wire. When you are done you should have something like two wires with brown copper wires at their tops.
The next part is to get the cellotape, cover all the parts of the Nokia battery, cover it up very well. Leaving only the top open. When i say the top, i mean the 3 parts from which you can charge on a desktop.
Now put the + wire on the part of the battery where you find the inscription (+), put the + wire on the part you find (-), now use the Cellotape to cover the wires tightly. While tighting the wires, make sure you have pluged the other end of the charger to your phone. You will find out that your phone is charging. You can keep the phone to fully charge if you want or you can use it while its charging.
Now after each use, make sure you charge the "Power Bank" using a desktop, please donot put in a phone to charge again as this may spoil that battery gradually.
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