How to know if a Guy is serious about you—ladies

I'm a man, yea in the making. Guys in general are a kind of being that can not be learnt totally by a woman. Some of their close and tight friends might. But for a lady to know if a man truely loves her, or is serious about her, some of these factors should be considered.

black dates
Read this: How to know if your lover is a Virgin

Back to our main discussion, to know if a guy is serious about you, here are some factors you should watch out for.

He wants to know things about you- If he asks you questions about your childhood, your job, parents, etc. He wants to know what it was like to be the elder sister or, he always asks you how you cope with your long stressful work hours. He is genuinely concerned about your career and asks you about your plans. If he’s serious about you, he will find all the mundane details interesting.

He calls you multiple times everyday- Th'o this is not effective but a real woman would understand it by his calls. If he calls you sometimes for no reason. Even if you’ve met at a food joint hours ago, he calls you after he reaches home, or from the elevator. This behaviour is typically displayed in the first few weeks of the relationship, when everything is new and exciting. However, when you realize that he still calls you just to hear your voice and it’s been about a year since you started going out, you should know that he’s serious about you.

He wants to listen to you talk- Several girls complain that they can’t talk to their boyfriends and that they just don’t listen. When you spend time with him, he really listens to you. He’s all ears about your problems at work. On the public bus, he’s not distracted by fellow passengers, but is listening to you intently. You have long chats on the phone where he hangs on to every word you say. You find yourself telling him things that you’ve never told any boyfriend before. If your man remembers that it’s your aunt’s birthday in a couple of weeks, just because you mentioned it in passing, understand that he’s listening to every word you’re saying.

When he wants to date you with pride- You’re his steady girlfriend and he makes sure everyone knows it. He is faithful and expects fidelity from you too. Yea, if he's fidel to you and he doesn't care if you are, he is just faking the fidel part. I'm a man too. He should make sure everyone knows that he’s your boyfriend, not only because he doesn’t want random men hitting on you, but because he wants to send a clear signal to all the girls that he’s taken. This is a big step and you should appreciate him for this.

He’s not secretive about his routine- When you know his routine and what his day holds for him, not because you’re a tyrant but because he volunteers this information. You know he’s in the gym in the morning and reaches work at 10 a.m., after making a quick dash to a coffee shop. You know that if he doesn’t take your call in the afternoon, he’s probably in a meeting or in his Library. Not like you always wondering, “Why hasn’t he called me?”. One girl who i was transparent on was Cecillia, she knew my routines too and it should have worked for us just that i wasn't ready for a relationship.

He introduces you to his friends- When he wants his friends to know you and like you. He wants you to get comfortable with them, because this paves the way for your initiation in the group. He makes an effort to be nice to your friends for the same reasons. He wants you to meet his family. This move is not to be under-estimated at all. If there’s one thing common in men across continents, it’s the fact that they only take the girl home, if they’re taking the relationship to the next level.

He’s always there when you need him- He may be foul tempered and may say hurtful things from time to time, but he’s always there when you need him. When your uncle passed away, he was there to hold your hand. When you failed a test, he took you to the library to calm and reassured you. He may have his faults, but if he really cares for you, he will always try to protect you. If a bitchy girlfriend keeps picking on you, he calls her bluff and shuts her up. If he genuinely worries about you because you have cramps during that time of the month, he’s definitely serious about you.

Hope i did something good, i know i did. I'm sure. This post is dedicated to my ex. Cecilia.

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