Men are the causes of lack of male in the family

Article Scripted by CutieBrain for
My name is CutieBrain, Gozkybrain's Junior sister. I'd want to use this Opportunity to lease as many Ladies as Possible of the Blames and Insults from Husbands about them having only female children.
Related: Causes of Infertilities in Women
A child is either a boy(XY) or a girl(XX). Even after the child is grown; and is ready to reproduce; it is still with its chromosones either XX or XY.
I am not a science student and i don't intend becoming one, but atleast i have a knowlege of it. During intercourse, a sperm cell fuses with an egg cell and forms a zygote. No doubt, the egg must be an Xchromosone because from the falopian tube from which it falls, it is XX so it must be 1pair of the X.
Now it is probability for the sperm cell to be an (X)chromose(girl) or a (Y)chromosone. If the man's Xchromosone meets the woman's Xchromosone and a child is formed—no doubt it is a girl; why does the man blame the woman??. He can Only have a male if his own Ychromosone meets his wifes Xchromosone.
I Only agree it is fate because the woman might not be in her Open stage when he has abundant of YChromosones.
What about you??

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