Causes of early aging in Men and Women

Looking good is the life-long dream of most people. We all will love it if our life can stay on a particular age leaving us young forever. But it is impossible and growing old is a privilege and an inevitable end. The way we age depends on us to a large extent.


Remember my article on how to prevent early aging.
There i explained the ways to prevent early again so today i'd explain all the causes of early aging. There are different signs we see to declare that one is aging. The commonest of all is wrinkle on the face. Others are Freckles, age spots, spider veins on the face, rough and leathery skin, fine wrinkles that disappear when stretched, loose skin, a blotchy complexion and so on. Let me explain a bit of science; Our skin is the first organ that ages, it contains collagen and elastin which is found in the dermal layers, which provide pliability and elasticity to skin tissue. Any thing that damages these compounds leads to an acceleration of sagging and wrinkling of the skin.
Causes Of Early Aging

* The Radiation Of The Sun

This may sound unbelievable to many but the very sun that shines on us causes so much havoc. Let’s do a little science again, the ultraviolet radiation from the sun destroys the collagen and elastin in our skin causing sagging and wrinkling of that skin. This kind of aging occurs over a period of years. With repeated exposure to the sun, the skin loses the ability to repair itself, and the damage accumulates. Skin also becomes loose and leathery much earlier with unprotected exposure to sunlight.

* The Way We Sleep

Surprised? I don’t think so. Most of us tend to sleep face down with our head buried in a pillow, this is mostly peculiar to men. Most women sleep with their sides so as not to lie on their breasts. Both sleeping positions are bad as our faces are crumpled on the pillow or on the mattress as the case may be. Now imagine this crumpling happening every night for years, the wrinkle we see every morning will be etched permanently on our faces.

* Smoking; A danger that cannot be Over-emphasised

Smoking cigarette causes bio-chemical changes in our bodies that accelerate aging. If a person smokes 10 or more cigarettes a day for a minimum of 10 years the person is statistically more likely to develop deeply wrinkled, leathery skin than a nonsmoker. It also has been shown that people who smoke for a number of years tend to develop an unhealthy yellowish tinge to their complexion. These signs can be greatly diminished, and in some cases avoided, by stopping smoking. Even people who have smoked for many years, or smoked heavily at a younger age, show less facial wrinkling and improved skin tone when they quit smoking.

Other causes of aging includefacial expressions (frowning, etc), gravity, stress, too much sugar and laziness.

Stay Healthy with the right informations.

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