How to get a beautiful natural pink lips

I saw this trend online and tought of sharing it with my fans. Everyone wants to get a nice pink lips and we all hate the regular dark lips right? Here are some tips for you.
pink lips
Ways we can get Pink Lips —Moisturize Your Lips.
The skin of your lips contains a small amount of sebum (an oil), you should always keep them moisturized if you want them to always be fresh, nice and therefore pink. Apply petroleum jelly or lip balm and if you are inside, use some coco butter or lip gloss. If you want your lips to be soft and pink, you must keep them moisturized.
—Use Pomegranate Seeds and Milk.
This is another efficient way to lighten dark, dull lips. You can create that beautiful pink color by using pomegranate seeds. Crush up the seeds and mix it with some milk. Apply this home remedy to your lips regularly, you will see them becoming redder and fuller. The fantastic thing about this remedy is that there are no side effects. These seeds are sold in some shops in Nigeria.
—Use Cucumber Juice.
This is another great way to reduce the darkness of your lip, you can just apply a bit of cucumber juice on them. Simply slice a cucumber, rubbing it against your lips to allow the juices to soak on. If you do this for five minutes each day, you can lighten your lips to a pretty pink color.
—Apply Lemon Juice.
Another home remedy is with the use of lemon and some sugar. Cut a thin slice from the lemon, sprinkling a bit of sugar on top and rub your lips with it each day. This works well because lemon works to naturally bleach your lips, returning them to their light, pink color while sugar will exfoliate dead skin cells.
—Using Strawberry Mixture.
Strawberries have many benefits that are great for lightening dark lips. All you need to do is make a paste using strawberries and mix it with some aloe vera juice and pure honey. Apply this paste and leave it on for five minutes before rinsing it off and replacing it with an homemade lip balm. This is effective because berries have many vital vitamins and minerals that can keep your lips healthy and therefore vibrant.
—Mixing Honey, Almond Oil and Sugar.
What you can also do is to mix sugar, honey and a little bit of olive or almond oil. Apply this to your lips, massaging it in for ten minutes. You'ld share the results.
—Remove Makeup Before Sleeping.
One of the most common reasons people have dull lips is because they don’t take off their makeup. That is why you should always remove it before bed. Simply put a bit of olive oil or almond oil on a cotton ball and rub your lips with it gently. Never sleep with your make-ups on.
—Scrub with Toothbrush
You can also achieve pink lips by scrubbing your lips with your toothbrush every night after brushing your teeth.You should only use a soft brush this can remove the chapped, dry skin that forms around your lips, making them appear fresh.
More tips for making lips pink
* Smoking should be avoided : Smoking not only deteriorates health, but also makes lips dark.
* Avoid drinking excess of tea and coffee. Caffeine is an important factor for dark lips.
* Avoid direct contact of sun : Constant exposure of U.V rays results in dull lips. Lip balm with at least 15 SPF should be applied to lips in case you are out in the sun.
* Avoid licking lips as this can make lips dry and chapped.
* Eat skin nourishment food with minerals to make lips beautiful : Fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals that nourishes our skin.
* Drinking 8 glasses of water every day will help to keep lip skin soft and prevent it from dying.
Stay Healthy! Remain dope!! Get the right information and share what you know —

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