Amazing similarities between a human heart and a caburator

... as scripted by BrainFavvy
I'm not a science student but atleast i'm not restricted from making researches. In my recent research, while i watched bezzy and brain service our generator, i saw that the caburator had almost the same physical appearance as that of a human heart.

I studied the caburator very well and it later made me do this research. You know, the human heart is just so similar to the caburator of engines and if i'm nbot wrong the caburator is the heart of engines.
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So today, i would like to share with you those amazing similarities between a human heart and a caburator.
1. Controls Speed
The caburator controls the engine's speed, just the same way the heart controls the rate of reaction to stimuli.
2. Combination process
The caburator combines gasoline with air thereby creating a combustible mixture, also in the same way the heart combines blood with air to release waste products.
3. Idle state
The caburator is at idle or rapid acceleration when there is not enough fuel passing through the venturi to draw fuel. Similarly, when the heart is at rest, blood flow will be reduced and blood would not be able to get into the arteries, and veins.
Here is a pictorial similarity between the Human heart and a caburator
Human heart
Science is awesome, but i'd not be a science student. I'd go crazy if i venture it

1 Response to "Amazing similarities between a human heart and a caburator"

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