Brainshome's amazing health tips

Health should be our number one priority because as they say, no doubt health is wealth. Today i want to recap or bring to your notice some health tips
health first
Without wasting any further time lets proceed to the main buisness, i'm going to share with your some important and yet interesting health tips, do share what you know.
Some food women should Avoid taking for a healthier life: Women and wahala, lol just kidding. Here are some foods women should avoid taking for a healthier life.
How to know if you are prone to future diabetes: Some diseases kill some people at times not because of the absence of money but ignorance, creating this awarenest on diabetes would do me a whole lot of good.
How to know you are expecting a heart attack: No one wants a eart attack, but it comes. Its better we know about it than get it at the moment we least expected.
See foods that can hamper your sperm count: Male fertility is one of the many problems suffered by couples in the world today, but you would never know that some food even constitute to this.
Signs to know you are expecting a Cancer in the future: Th'o cancer is said to have no cure, but early detection can be cured and very easy too. So keep a check on your body, fight cancer.
[health] The world's most painful diseases: Trough out the count down of the world's most painful disease HIV is not on the list, well its no big deal as you would also find out why.
Foods that can affect your intelligency: For Christ sake what can food not do? Intelligency too? Man, we need to be careful on what we eat.
Reasons why you should stop eating noodles — Indomie: Right from my day one on planet earth indomie was my favorite meal, but as i grew up, it left me. I didn't know why until i became a science student, i found out some adverities of noodles not just indomie!
[health] Some food you should avoid putting in the refrigerator: But its true, some people put just anything in the fridge. Favvy was putting bread in the fridge until after she read this post!
See healthy foods kids should never be allowed to take: Even if the kids feel like they want it, please donot give them these foods because it doesn't go well. If you are not yet a teen you are a kid too.
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