The 218 abducted chibok girls could be an organised crime—says Gozkybrain

I stopped at a point to loot at things. Nigeria, the largest economy in Africa, but this doesn't change the fact that the ordinary man has no bread to eat.
The rate at which corruption is rising is quite alarming and, it surely need to be looked into.
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Last year, 218 girls were allegedly abducted from a school at Chibok in bornu state of northern Nigeria. It was further told that the girls were abducted by the islamic terrorist squad (the Boko Haram sect).
I began lately to see otherwise, the abduction of the 218 Chibok girls seems more like an Organised crime.
Lets look at this with a normal eye and sence of impartiality. Gunmen came into a school building, take away just 218 girls, then go away just like that?
There wasn't a report of a teacher, student or any member or staff of the school hurt by the gunmen; no part of the chool building was destroyed, no violence occured in the process. C'mon where does this kind of incident happen?
The USA and other countries sent troops to tackle the insurgence and recover the girls ,but just after finding our where the girls are; the troops returned. It didn't get you thinking about anything??
The government of former President Goodluck Jonathan, since independence is reffered to as the most corrupt democratic government.
Almost everyweek, we receive reports of the amount of Nigerian soldier killed and the amount of the terrorist killed. The annoying part is that, the soldiers are almost always ambushed. Where dioesBoko Haram get the information? I don't know if anyone is getting where i'm pointing at.
GEJ as he is fondly called, makes budget worth billions of naira over the Boko Haram insurgence, and yet soldiers do not get enough materials, guess he even counts bullets before handing over to the soldiers!
Sir, do you know how many soldiers have lost their lives in this God forsaken insurgence?
I am not saying ex-President Goodluck is behind the Insurgence or even the girls' abduction, i am only oicing out my greif and anger. Following all these activities, one could easily paint an image that these crimes are organised. But even if it is an organised crime and probably not be him, he isn't even doing anything to calm the situation.
I don't know if i am the only one who feels this way, who else does?

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