Proof that heaven and hell are real

A time in the past i used to be one of the 'blinds' who lived in the doubting facts,
i'm talking about those who don't understand the bible.

Yes, i used to beleive that hell never existed, but only heaven exists.
heaven and hell
Yes i beleived heaven was real because evben the bible said it. A reference from Jesus Christ, 'i go to prepare you a place in my father's house; if it were so, i would have said so'. Other references from adventure movies, said gods lived in the heavens and people of good deeds later get to heaven, others take the stars as heaven. Like The brainwizard in The legend of the brainwizard wanted a place in the stars.
I stopped to think about the inexistence of hell after my little research. I'm writting this article opposition to a post on facebook, by one cheatex jnr saying that heaven and hell wasn't real and church goers were just being fooled. He knows best.
But if one is wise, you'll know that heaven and hell are real. Everyone beleives heaven is real buh some don't beleive hell is, some say it wasn't mentioned in the bible. What did the bible mean by 'Lake of Fire'??
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Proofs that Hell exists
1. ... and the devil together with his rebel angels were cast into the endless pit.
2. ...and whosoever's name is not found in the book of life is casted into the lake of fire.
3. ...and after separating the wheat from the shaft, the shaft is thrown into the unquenchable fire.
For more proofs click here
Now if someone like cheatex can boldly update about something of this importance on his timeline, the world is not safe anymore.
I won't insult him, or cast him, or any negative thing about him because i was once like that, if i'm not still. I used to ask, 'where does the flame of a candle go after it is blown off?'. When i get no answer i say, 'thats exactly where men go after they are dead'.
But this instict of mine was cut away by my dad, Mr. Bukas Izuka. He told mhe, '...the bible itself is a mystery, it wasn't written some 10years ago, it was written in the time of old and errors area must for this peice. Therefore if you beleive one out of it, beleive all.'
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