Healthy reasons why you should take bitter leaf more often

... as scripted by CutieeBrain.
Bitter leaf, Vernonia Amygdalina is a popular vegetable probably because of the bitter taste. Bitter leaf is used for preparing the well-known Bitter leaf soup.

bitter leaf soup
It is also known as Onugbu, Shiwaka & Ewuro by the Igbos, Hausas & Yorubas respectively in Nigeria.
Although this plant has been around for ages, only a handful of the general populace including the users are well acquainted with the medicinal and health benefits of this plant whose leaves, extracts, stems, roots and barks are used for gastronomic, medicinal and therapeutic purposes. Vitamins in Bitter leaf includes; Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vit.B1 and Vit.B2.
My grande aunt is a big fan of the bitter leaf juice, and on one of my visits during the xmas, she made me drink the juice to cure a fever. Of course the juice had a very bitter taste which I despised, at that time, but when I realized that in no time the fever was gone.
bitter leaf
After that experience I decided to do my findings and discover a few more benefits of this wonderful gift of mother earth, and i did find some.
Health benefits of Vernoniaamygdalinaincludes;
* It speeds up metabolism thereby reducing the chances of any consumer developing constipation and increasing the usage of the stored fat indicating that it can be of great use to those who desire weight loss.
* Bitter leaf juice relieves fever and feverish conditions. Take the squeezed juice, 3 times daily until the symptom disappears.
* It also helps to reduce high sugar level in the blood because it speeds up the rate of metabolism and glucose uptake by the cells of the body thereby reducing the blood-sugar level, aprodigious news for diabetic patients.
* Squeeze the fresh leaves on your palm and apply the juice on skin rashes, eczema, ring worms and any superficial skin ailments, this is possible because this leave has antibiotic and antifungal properties. If applied ideally and rightly you’ll notice a change in few days. Don’t apply to open wounds!
* Bitter leaf is said to soothe and also cure pile.
* Bitter leaf has anti-oxidants properties in it thus, taking a cup of bitter leaf juice a day, is a great way to detoxify the body of harmful toxins.
* Bitter leaf(Vernonia Amygdalina) also cures mild stomach ailments. When there are conditions emanating from constipation such as stomach upset, bitter leaf juice could be of help.
* Bitter leaf juice is said to increase breast milk production in nursing mothers.
* The washed roots and stalks of bitter leaf are boiled and the infusion is taking as a worm expeller, this is possible because bitter leaf has ability to cause hyper motility on smooth muscles. A cup of bitter leaf infusion should be taken first thing in the morning before meals.
* Bitter leaf juice is used by local women in Guinea-Bissau to contract the uterus after childbirth and therefore should not be taking during pregnancy or if you’re trying to conceive, because high intake might cause miscarriage.
* A cup of bitter leaf juice a day energizes you…o yes it does.
Thats all i can give, you've got some? Drop'em here.
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Author - CutieeBrain

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